Two Feet Of Show And The Chickens Are Thriving!


Will Barter For Coffee
12 Years
May 6, 2007
Columbia Gorge, OR
We are still getting 4 to 7 eggs a day. The EE's are laying, the BSL are laying, and the BO's on occassion. The temps are around 5 degrees at night, the coop is unheated, and still they are as happy as can be.

My DH has been going up there a couple times a day, swapping out the frozen water with fresh water, wiping the snow off the run, and dumping the food scraps, feed, and corn in there. They are just as happy as can be.

Has anyone else found this to be true of their chooks?

BTW, we have had no water for 4 days. The pump on the well busted, and the plumber is having a tough time fixing it. We are all using melted snow for everything, as we are on a big hillside with no getting up or down. Looks like we'll be stuck here for another week! At least the chickens are happy
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Well, we have had 6 gallons of bottled water for our family of five to drink on. That will run out soon. I think my DH is planning on hiking down to the store today (it is a little over a mile from here) to get 3 more gallons, or whatever he can carry in his backpack. I wish we had snow shoes!

Thanks for asking, ozark
I am so sorry, and feel so guilty as we have nothing but sunshine and 37 ` here. I honestly do feel for you all. I pray no one has an emergency.
Well, if you have electricity and a water filter, can't you just use those? If you wanted pure pure water, could always boil it, and condense the steam in a baking sheet that runs into a bowl. It won't have anything in it that way!
We have been boiling snow down and filtering it thru a Britta. I didn't think about the steam. As it is, it takes six 35 gallon buckets to get one bucket of water. Sucky!
this weather stinks,I really need to get to town to get feed,i wish we were only a mile its 25-30 miles depending on witch one you go too,weve been stuck since Sunday ,but my birds out in the coop seem fine the rest are on the enclosed porch (Roosters)they started to get frost bit some,so we brought them in, real noisy
but so far our well hasnt froze so I guess we are lucky,
good luck with that and stay warm
I've been thinking about you Dangerouschicken, I was supposed to go to Hood River today with a friend on our annual Christmas shopping trip. Obviously we canceled, the Gorge is just being pummeled with snow and I hear tomorrow is going to be horrible for you guys. I sure hope you all are OK. Sounds like Monday is going to warm up a bit.

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