Two geese sharing a nest??


8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone could help me.

My two females are sharing a nest, is this common??

We was just wondering what happens when the eggs hatch if the continue to share?

hi there from a rather wet gloucestershire

our geese share a nest, its their first laying season together, the african x sits the chinese does not. sometimes they are both on the nest together to lay and the african rolls the chinese egg under her i think she likes to pretend she laid it.
I had two american buffs and a white sebbie all share a nest! I would recomend not letting them do that out of 18-20 eggs only 1 hatched, some times when they share the nest some eggs will get pushed out inbetween them and go bad
I had two american buffs and a white sebbie all share a nest! I would recomend not letting them do that out of 18-20 eggs only 1 hatched, some times when they share the nest some eggs will get pushed out inbetween them and go bad
X 2 In my experience shared nests generally result in reduced hatch rates for a variety of reasons. Any goslings that hatch will be 'mothered' by both geese. As a matter of fact the entire flock will usually 'mother' them.
I have a Toulouse who didn't manage to hatch any eggs -- she's now trying to take over the nest of one of my Buff American's. Think that they've confused each other so much that the eggs aren't going to hatch -- always seem like there's one or two left out from under them, and then it gets cold.

I'd say try to keep the eggs to around 10 -- that's what I will do next year. I just let the geese lay until they were happy with the amount and then left all the eggs under them, but I think they had too many to cover, and different eggs just kept getting chilled and dying -- which is why I have no goslings yet. I did that with the last 3 to go broody, so next week will tell . . .

You could try making a seperate nest a little way apart from the first nest, and seeing if the one goose will accept it. They are stubborn once they get the idea in their head . . .
Hi there,

I think they have about 5 between them, but its hard to tell how many they have saved up as they are not happy if anyone goes near them.

I am not that fussed if any hatch, it was not a planned hatch so to speal, they went broody and I figured I'd leave them to it, if any hatch I'll be happy (and from what I have been reading geese love babies - so no doubt they'll be happy).

georgeandmildredgoos - we're in Kent but I have no doubt we are just as wet down here!! Wish the rain would hurry up go away, but I think this weekend is meant to be nice.

Thanks guys, hopefully I'll be adding some photos soon.

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