Two months after laying began it sloooowwwed, suggestions?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 20, 2010
Willamette Valley, Oregon
In march we were laying great! Each girl ( i have 4) an egg a day (4eggs a day).

I will skip details. I switched to a No Gmo feed, no corn/no soy. Eggs went
???? Couldn't find any, and if there was sign of egg it was eaten (out side of coop).

So I think
1. Not enough protein, 2. Bad enough one MAY have been interested in eating the eggs (could be a predator) 3. Need to change feed

So I bought another "new" feed (to me). Omega 3 layer. I left the No GMO in their feeder and started tossing scoops of Omega 3. Eggs are now 2 a day. No more smashed/eaten shells have been found.

They are now with a feeder full of the Omega 3 layer.

I DO NOT think it is a hidden nest. I have locked them up for a few days at a time and still only the two eggs.

I have read in books how some breeds lay better with HIGH protein, can you share that was true for you? Would love to hear!

What could I do to get them laying a bit better? It is only three months into the year (since laying began), and all girls started out great.

ANY suggestions
on what will promote laying, or things to watch for, appreciated.

I heard keeping cool water, I hadn't thought of that on warm days.

If you mention red pepper, tell me what red pepper? I have Tapatio hot suace, and cayenne pepper in the cupboard. Do one of those work?
I just use 16% Layer feed, free choice of crushed oyster shell also. Sometimes if they are too hot they quit laying or molting, not feeling safe, getting bothered to much etc.

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