Two sick chickens


May 15, 2015
West Texas
I have two chickens that got sick over night the rooster is in really bad shape the hen is moving slow. Any suggestions would be great
They are lethargic the rooster is almost non-responsive the hen is moving slow is only interested in water. Her bottom is dirty and she feels thin. When I picked her up she pooped clear thick stuff.
Check them to make sure they arent plugged up... maybe they ate something that isnt moving through... also with a dirty behind make sure they dont have fly strike or something like that. 

Her bottom has poop on the feathers but the vent looks normal
The rooster died I didn't think he would make it. The hen is improving a little with out any help should I still separate her?
So sad our hen died
I checked on her then went to get meds from the vet and a cage to set her up in the barn. When I got back she had passed away
I was so hopeful for her as she looked like she had improved from this morning. Thank you every one for your help

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