Two sitting Hens, What next???


In the Brooder
12 Years
Nov 25, 2007
North East Ohio
I have two Buff Orpingtons that are broody on two seperate nests.
I plan on letting them hatch all they can.
Is there anything I need to do for them now? They are in the same coop as everybody else, nobody is bothering them though. Please any advise would be helpful because I want as many
as possible.


You should move each hen and her eggs to a separate "broody box" away from your other chickens. They'll want solitude and there's the possibility of another hen getting in the nest box when they come out to poo or eat. Plus, when the eggs hatch, you don't want the chicks around other adult birds besides mom 'cause they'll be harrassed. There's lots of sites out there explaining how to move nests/hens and constructing brooder nests. I recently moved my first broody banty with no problems. She's in a dog kennel now. I have a large, wire bottomed cage already set up, so that I can put the whole kennel inside it, and when the chicks hatch, there will be plenty of room for ma and chicks to move around without pecking from other birds. The kennel is in the coop right now.

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