Two Truths and A Lie

I love the little noises they make!
Their noises are the best.
I was talking on the phone with my mom the other day when I heard a TON of wheeking coming from the pigs, it was so loud that even my mom commented on their noise. And when I walked into their room to see what was happening I found my Aussie taste testing an escapee😭🤣 She had her pinned to the ground in her mouth just rolling her around like a tootsie pop, and the guinea pig was wheeking SO LOUD😂
I'm pretty sure my dog was just playing with her new fuzzy squeaky toy, but man it cracked me up to hear Andy screaming so POed about being caught and mouth snuggled.
And four sounds like a great number! They are herd animals.
They all get along great. Girls with girls and boys with boys, but even for playdates they like to be snuggly and share snacks.
Their noises are the best.
I was talking on the phone with my mom the other day when I heard a TON of wheeking coming from the pigs, it was so loud that even my mom commented on their noise. And when I walked into their room to see what was happening I found my Aussie taste testing an escapee😭🤣 She had her pinned to the ground in her mouth just rolling her around like a tootsie pop, and the guinea pig was wheeking SO LOUD😂
I'm pretty sure my dog was just playing with her new fuzzy squeaky toy, but man it cracked me up to hear Andy screaming so POed about being caught and mouth snuggled.
Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago
1) I once tried to convince Duckie that a goat was really a pony

2) tried again to convince Duckie that the goat was a pony

3) one of Duckie’s sisters bit off my fingers on one hand for bringing Duckie a goat and saying it was a pony
You're supposed to put a lie in there!!

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