Two week old bantam chick has crooked neck/ spine


Aug 21, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
I got some chicks from the feed store a few weeks ago. They were all healthy except for bad pasty butt. About 3 days ago I noticed my barred bantam cochin chick looking funny. Her neck seems to be positioned sideways. Not tilted backwards like wry neck, but I felt the neck, and the spine feels crooked, s-shaped. I have started her on goat gel, 4 times a day, a few drops of nutridrench and also vitamin b complex injection once a day. No improvement so far. Is a deformed spine also a symptom of wry neck? Is there anything else I can give her, do for her? Will it sort itself out with vitamins only? Her neck was fine before. Could it be an injury? She has a few chicks in with her, I doubt she was injured by them.
I also squeeze a 400mg vitamin e capsules directly into her mouth. I never dealt with wry neck in any of my own hatches, as all my parent stock receive good quality feed, vitamins, supplements. The chicks all got an initial dose of concentrated vitamins when they came home and they get nutridrench in their water as well. Help :(
It still looks like wry neck (torticolis.) The neck can be up, down, sideways, or twisted in an “S.” Wry neck is a neurological symptom sometimes related to head or neck injury, heredity, a vitamin E or B1 thiamine deficiency, and in older chickens, can be a sign of certain diseases, such as Mareks, fowl cholera, Newcastles and others.

I would give her a pearl of vitamin E 400 IU, and some form of B vitamins, such as chick vitamins, 1/4 B complex tablet crushed onto food, or polyvisol without iron, given daily. A small bit of egg is good for selenium, which helps with vitamin E uptake. Make sure that she is getting enough to eat and drink, or you will need to feed her several times a day.
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