Tying to identify breed of this pullet.


In the Brooder
May 11, 2015
I purchased 15 birds from Murray McMurray's ornamental layer collection 4 weeks ago. I really just want good egg layers but would love to identify breeds. Can anyone help with this one?


Maybe barred rock??? I'm no expert. Just a guess. Should be a great layer if it is a barred rock pullet. It might be a roo though.
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Thanks! I am hoping it is not a rooster but I know there is a chance, how old before I can really know?
For a barred rock it should be about 6-8 weeks I think. It's easier to tell males from females because the females will appear darker in color. The males white barrs are larger compared to the females. If you do a search on here I know there are a few threads discussing it.
Barred rock, they're great layers, over the winter my aunt and uncle kept their chickens at my grandparents, and they had quite a few barred rocks :)

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