Tylan Egg Dip?


5 Years
Sep 27, 2015
So apparently some dip their eggs in Tylan to prevent CRD before incubating? Anyone else do this? Does it work?
So apparently some dip their eggs in Tylan to prevent CRD before incubating? Anyone else do this? Does it work?

I do not do this, have never heard of it.

The egg has to be porous I would worry the tylan would block air exchange. I have no idea if it would. Use medicated chick starter if that is a concern.

Sterilize the eggs before incubating and there is no need to coat them in an antibiotic.

I have just found several articles on this. It appears to help in control of MS or MG. However, I would suggest you get eggs from a certified MS & MG free source. (NPIP) .

It makes more sense than bringing in eggs from questionable sources.

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So apparently some dip their eggs in Tylan to prevent CRD before incubating? Anyone else do this? Does it work?
Chronic Respiratory Disease?
Dipping them in an AB sounds like ineffective folly.

Use medicated chick starter if that is a concern.
Isn't that usually amprolium, to help against the protozoa coccidiosis?

However, I would suggest you get eggs from a certified MS & MG free source. (NPIP)
Don't most NPIP only test for Pullorum(salmonella) ?
Chronic Respiratory Disease?
Dipping them in an AB sounds like ineffective folly.

Isn't that usually amprolium, to help against the protozoa coccidiosis?

Don't most NPIP only test for Pullorum(salmonella) ?

We test for MG, MS, AI and Pulorum....or at least I do in the program I signed up for.
Ah, good to know.... even tho it's National program, seems each state is different?

There are only 12 states as I recall that look for MS/MG. We are one, which is kind of a pain.

The AI was optional but a lot of states will not give you an import license unless you test for AI, PT is tested once a year, the other 3 every 3 months.

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