Tylan50 dosing


Mar 15, 2022
Hey everyone. My chicken Lacy, may have MG. I was advised to get Tylan50 and dose 0.25ml per pound 3 times a day for 5 days. I weighed her today and she is 5 pounds, so that came out to 1.25ml every dose. To me this seems like a lot. So I wanted to double and triple check, that this was right.

Also why 3 times a day? Would once daily be enough? Because if I do it 3 times a day that’s 4ml of a cattle antibiotic. Just wondering why so much wouldn’t be an overload on her body.

Also, my dad and I just did conversions for a cow and pig for dosing based on the Tylan 50 instructions, and for a cow it would be 0.16ml per pound and for a pig it would be 0.08ml per pound.

Just trying to check the dosing and make sure I give her the right amount.

@Wyorp Rock I know you have been helping me with dosing, so I just wanted you to read this and tell me if it sounds right, or if maybe the dosing is off. Thank you all.
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That is the correct minimum dosage. In Plumbs Veterinary Drug Book Tylan can be given to chickens 10-40 mg per Kg (5-20 mg per pound) up to 4 times a day. Tylan 50 is 50 mg per ml. Give it orally very slowly, pulling down on wattles letting her swallow after each 1/4 ml, and repeat. Most antibiotics are given at intervals round the clock to maintain the level in the bloodstream. https://www3.epa.gov/pesticides/chem_search/ppls/011556-00166-20171012.pdf
That is the correct minimum dosage. In Plumbs Veterinary Drug Book Tylan can be given to chickens 10-40 mg per Kg (5-20 mg per pound) up to 4 times a day. Tylan 50 is 50 mg per ml. Give it orally very slowly, pulling down on wattles letting her swallow after each 1/4 ml, and repeat. Most antibiotics are given at intervals round the clock to maintain the level in the bloodstream. https://www3.epa.gov/pesticides/chem_search/ppls/011556-00166-20171012.pdf
Okay, thank you for explaining. I think I’m going to try 0.25ml for her to start, and then if I see no results, with the minimum, I’ll work up to the maximum.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know, that I gave Lacy 0.25ml about 15 minutes ago. And she is doing good. I just syringed it into a very small amount bread and she ate it right up.😍👍
She’s actually 5 pounds, but I didn’t want to give her that much, because it seemed like a lot for such a small bird.
Her dosage should be 1.25 ml orally 3 times a day. If you are going to use an antibiotic, you can create antibiotic resistant organisms when you under dose. If you don’t want to give the proper dose, you could just skip the antibiotic altogether. Remember, without knowing what the organism you are treating, you could be giving antibiotics for a virus, which would not effect it.
Her dosage should be 1.25 ml orally 3 times a day. If you are going to use an antibiotic, you can create antibiotic resistant organisms when you under dose. If you don’t want to give the proper dose, you could just skip the antibiotic altogether. Remember, without knowing what the organism you are treating, you could be giving antibiotics for a virus, which would not effect it.
I hear you. And thank you for telling me about the resistance she can build up against the antibiotic. I had know idea.

Is there somewhere where I can read more about why 1.25ml wouldn’t be to aggressive of a dose? Like is the Dr. Plumbs Veterinary Drug Book, a good place to start? I’m just confused on how a chicken can handle more than a cow?

Personally I’d rather watch her and see how she handles 0.25ml and then increase it a little bit at a time. To me 1.25ml seems excessive, especially at 3 times daily. I’ve never used this antibiotic, so I have no idea what’s “normal” and “abnormal” with it.

Also I hope this came across as questioning and not rude. I am truly grateful for all your help and advice, and want to learn.
I hear you. And thank you for telling me about the resistance she can build up against the antibiotic. I had know idea.

Is there somewhere where I can read more about why 1.25ml wouldn’t be to aggressive of a dose? Like is the Dr. Plumbs Veterinary Drug Book, a good place to start? I’m just confused on how a chicken can handle more than a cow?

Personally I’d rather watch her and see how she handles 0.25ml and then increase it a little bit at a time. To me 1.25ml seems excessive, especially at 3 times daily. I’ve never used this antibiotic, so I have no idea what’s “normal” and “abnormal” with it.

Also I hope this came across as questioning and not rude. I am truly grateful for all your help and advice, and want to learn.
There's a big difference between mammals and birds. A chickens metabolism is faster than a cows metabolism and is able to absorb and excrete medications quicker.
The same is true for wormers. Higher doses for chickens than mammals.

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