Tylobiotic, anyone heard of this?


Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2020
East Central Illinois
I have a MG and MD flock who need dosing of Tylosin or Denagard monthly. I notice that a few hens fight with watery poops also. Corid will usually help but I am now on a monthly dosing of this, which is not ideal.

I found this product at jedds. I had anyone used it? Can I use the dosing on the package that is for “pigeons and birds”?


I’ve also read that amoxicillin and Tylosin together is an effective treatment for MG. Has anyone treated with 2 antibiotics at the same time? It comes as a mix and I might purchase it but I have both Tylosin and amoxicillin currently.

Lastly, could this recurring watery unhealthy poops need a different treatment than corid and/or probiotics?

I am now stocked with two baytril, amox, doxy, Tylosin, denagard, corrid, safeguard, calcium and and…….so hopefully I am better prepared for our next crisis.
Tylbiotic is just Tylosin with some vitamins mixed in.

You have Baytril, Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, Tylosin, Denagard, etc. on hand.
I don't see the need for adding another one to your arsenal.

As for a mix of something like AmyTyl (Amoxicillin/Tylosin) combo, it may not be that helpful unless there's a secondary infection for the Amoxicillin to address.
Amoxicillin works on the cell wall and MG has no cell wall, so it's not an effective treatment against MG.
Tylbiotic is just Tylosin with some vitamins mixed in.

You have Baytril, Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, Tylosin, Denagard, etc. on hand.
I don't see the need for adding another one to your arsenal.

As for a mix of something like AmyTyl (Amoxicillin/Tylosin) combo, it may not be that helpful unless there's a secondary infection for the Amoxicillin to address.
Amoxicillin works on the cell wall and MG has no cell wall, so it's not an effective treatment against MG.
I also have the Tylobiotic and was hoping to start their treatment tomorrow. I would normally have to do Corid in 2 weeks but my thoughts process was to try to avoid that by using this Tylobiotic.

Yes, I have quite the arsenal of drugs now. Lol I will not purchase the amoxicillin/Tylosin mix now that you explained the way it works. Thank you for that.
Do they suffer from Coccidiosis too? That's all the Corid will treat.
Most birds become resistant to the strains of Coccidia found in their environment.
Idk. It seems to work sometimes and other times not.
We had one girl who I thought was surely on deaths door. Lost weight and was not digesting her food. The coop walls were sprayed with watery poop and grass for over a month. I treated the flock and she was the only one like that. Finally, after a couple months, I direct dosed her with the amount of Corid for her original weight, which she wasn’t, for 5 days and it cleared her up. But it still took nearly a month for her poops to return normal and another month to start gaining. She is probably our heaviest girls now. I have no clue what she had or how it actually went away but I really am just guessing at everything at this point. But others seem to be cycling through it now, but it’s been a few months since Lucy healed.
This is why I was hoping a mix of Tylosin with vitamins and probiotics might help their system process their monthly dose.
I think I understand your reasoning, but why not just give vitamins during the course of treatment with your antibiotic?
Rooster Booster direct oral dose is 1cc per 3lbs of weight and has more vitamins/minerals than the Tylobiotic has. Likely PND does too.

If you were planning on giving Corid with the Tylobiotic, I would nix that. You don't want to give "Extra" vitamins or supplement that contain B1(Thiamine) which would be a contraindication to the Corid - so you would need to treat with one, finish the course, then use the other.

I mean, I don't really see anything wrong with the Tylobiotic, but you already have antibiotics on hand that will treat symptoms of MG. You even have Baytril which is one of the strongest abx out there.

Tylosine Tartrate 10% m/m
. Vit A 1% m/m
. Vit D3 0.12% m/m
. Vit E 1% m/m
. Vit B1 0.2% m/m
. Vit B2 0.2% m/m
. Vit B6 0.2% m/m
. Vit B12 0.0005% m/m
. Nicotinamide 1.5% m/m
. Calcium pantothenate 0.5% m/m

Rooster Booster Poultry Cell
I think I understand your reasoning, but why not just give vitamins during the course of treatment with your antibiotic?
Rooster Booster direct oral dose is 1cc per 3lbs of weight and has more vitamins/minerals than the Tylobiotic has. Likely PND does too.

If you were planning on giving Corid with the Tylobiotic, I would nix that. You don't want to give "Extra" vitamins or supplement that contain B1(Thiamine) which would be a contraindication to the Corid - so you would need to treat with one, finish the course, then use the other.

I mean, I don't really see anything wrong with the Tylobiotic, but you already have antibiotics on hand that will treat symptoms of MG. You even have Baytril which is one of the strongest abx out there.

Tylosine Tartrate 10% m/m
. Vit A 1% m/m
. Vit D3 0.12% m/m
. Vit E 1% m/m
. Vit B1 0.2% m/m
. Vit B2 0.2% m/m
. Vit B6 0.2% m/m
. Vit B12 0.0005% m/m
. Nicotinamide 1.5% m/m
. Calcium pantothenate 0.5% m/m

Rooster Booster Poultry Cell
You are so awesome, thanks so much!
I treat for MG with Tylosin (used Denagard in September and October) and wait 10-14 day to start corid.
I feel like one week my flock looks great and then suddenly one or two don’t. Then, they start to look good again and I do not know why, how or what changed🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s driving me crazy because I don’t know if I’m just imagining all of it.

I thought that if I tried this Tylobiotic then maybe their GI tract won’t flare up.

I’m really just grabbing at straws tbo, I don’t really know what else to do. I would love to know about immune support additions. I tried a dried herbal mix (made for chicken immune support) and they didn’t eat it. I tried a liquid herbal immune support (made for chickens) but they didn’t really like it and since there wasn’t much improvement I did not order it again.

During the extreme drop in temps I did add some nutridrench to mash in the morning to try and help with the stress and shock of a sudden drop like that.

Would a dose of baytril be good for this month? Maybe get whatever they are fighting in the GI tract under control?
Sometimes going back to the basics will do just as good.
Plain fresh feed and plain fresh water. No supplements or meds.

I wouldn't use an antibiotic to try to balance the GI tract. Baytril is very strong and would likely destroy the gut flora, I would only use it when a bird was severely ill and Tylan or Tiamulin was not effective.
If anything, use a purchased probiotic like Probios or you can give a little plain quality yogurt or buttermilk.

You don't give Denagard monthly? Most that have MG+ flock and use Denagard as a maintenance give it 3 days each month regardless. This may be something you want to research. The maintenance is supposed to help keep the birds asymptomatic and really the only other time you'd give any other antibiotic is if you had a bird that presented with symptoms.
I did try the Denagard for two months but felt like they were still symptomatic after it. I went back to Tylosin hoping it would work better. Their symptoms of MG are mostly under control at this point. We have 1 girl sneezing but she is a special case. I really struggle with the GI issues and I figured it was from the monthly treatments since July. I only give extras as a treat. After trying those herbs I decided that the basics are best. Layer feed, fresh water and free ranging. I have to remind myself that the mareks is most likely the culprit for the on again, off again GI issues. But I was hoping I could help avoid some possible gut side effects from the antibiotics using this mix of Tylosin and probiotics. Worth a shot I guess.
I have forgotten about yogurt. We have given it in the summer with fruit as a treat but I’ve really cut out a lot of treats with them being sick. I am definitely going to try that this time! And buttermilk from a store is very different from homemade buttermilk, which one is preferred? My brain works best with lists. I need to write down what is good for them and stick it on the fridge for reminders. I need to start one for healthy extras. My first three will be yogurt, buttermilk and rooster booster. Please let me know what more I could add. Adhd with no executive functioning makes remembering things difficult. But lists are my friends😁 I’ll put it next to the list of medication doses 😂

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