Ugh, and yay?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
Well, today I got really upset. We went to the feed store and my father decided he didn't want Cornish X's he wanted the new baby chicks there.
I was SO sad when he took my 3 week old chicks back. The man said he would take them to his farm and they would be his pets though thank god. Anyway, we got 10 baby chicks. 4 Road Island Reds and 6 Black Leghorns. I AM NOT the kind of person to throw animals away like that. I loved those Chickens, but, sadly my father makes the final decisions. I pay for caging, food..ect. though
I am really upset but kind of happy I got chicks again. These babies are probably a day old? They are so little.
You mean the Cornish X's were with you for those three weeks? You have been raising them? And then he decided to switch them out? What were ya'll having them for?

I can't believe that certainly since you pay for all the stuff. That is so upsetting and I am so sorry but at least you got some babies in their place.
I read one of your first posts and it looked like maybe you weren't originally looking for chickens to raise for meat. If you want chickens as pets and for eggs, you are much better off with the new chicks you have now. The Cornish cross chickens are not very healthy and do not have long lives, compared to normal chickens. They often have heart and leg problems, plus do not do well in the heat. They are bred to just grow as fast as they can.

It's a hard thing to have them go to a different home after you are attached to them, but I think over time, this will be a much better situation for you. I'm glad you had someone that would take them and let them live out whatever life they have. Still, it's very hard to give up chickens that you have cared for and come to love.
Yah, I was worried about that too but I certainly didn't want them to go off and be eaten I would have cried for weeks
Henny Handler, Yes I had the Cornish X's since they were 2-4 days old. We had them as pets, but I guess Woodland is right I mean they would probably live for about 8-10 weeks. The guy said they would be full grown in 8 weeks
I am still very sad though.
Yes they will not live long sadly. Either way it is sad to get rid of them after caring for them but these will be better for you. They will live a lot longer. I am happy that that man is not going to eat them. I think that is pretty rare to find someone that will do that for you. Good luck with your new babies.
I know you are sad over returning the chicks but perhaps your Dad realized that you were going to have to slaughter them for meat. It is important that people get the right breeds for their situations. Have fun with the new chicks.

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