UGh!!!! Chicken Vomit?


8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
So, last night i go out to the coop to lock up for the night. I find 4 of my 7 girls on the roost, one by the door to the run (that's normal, she's always there) and one is on top of their waterer, and the other is in the window! So, I got the one off the window and picked her up to put her on the roost. I look at the chicken in my hands and a brownish liquid is flowing out of her mouth. It was coming out for like 3 seconds but it scared me! What could this be? It was just flowing not projectile or dripping or anything. I just got them 2 days ago, could it be stress, or that she changed foods? I know that's the case with dogs or cats if you change their food too fast, but does this happen with chickens too? I'm worried about my little Flash. Does anyone have knowledge or experience with this?
Does nobody know whats wrong with my poor Flash
I have one that had a white milky liquid... but it was because she had just had a drink and I kinda had my hand over her crop and poured her out. In this heat, they drink a lot. I wouldn't worry too much unless it continues, if she seems sick, not eating, etc. I give mine lots of cold watermellon and the like to keep my girls cool and hydrated... the don't seem to drink as much straight water then.

Hey, you live kinda close to me! But, its not that hot here, it's not like 100+ like everyone is saying. It could be that i squeezed her a bit too hard, but that was the only time she did that, so hopefully it was just a little too much water and a little too much squeezing

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