Ugh, not sure what to do about my chicken who won’t go in at night and come out in the morning


Sep 7, 2020
I have a chicken, her name is B2 and she’s been displaying weird behavior every evening and every morning for the past 3 weeks. A little information about her, she’s about 5-6 years old and we received her from when we purchased a house back in May 2020. She refuses to come in the coup with all the other chickens when the sun goes down and will sit in a corner in the pen. I pick her up so no predators can get to her at night and put her in the coup. In the morning, she’ll stand in the entrance of the coup but will not go down the stairs. This has resulted in me picking her up and putting her on the ground or coming from the back of the coup and giving her a slight push to ease her down the stairs. She still eats, drinks and walks around. I don’t notice anything medically wrong with her. She gets along with all the other chickens and the coup is clean. One big change she has endured is the introduction of grown chicks that I’ve raised but she seems to get along with them ok. She did stop laying eggs after the introduction of the grown chicks. I don’t know what to do to encourage her to go in the coup at night without any assistance and to get her to come out when the sun rises. Has anyone had this happen before? Any advice would help. I’ve posted a picture of the coup and the blonde one in the far back is her.


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Your photos show a meticulous run, but they don't really let us see the profile of this hen to give us insight to her possible issues. Try getting a close-up of her standing sideways, so we can see her posture.

This issue sounds like a behavior issue, but this behavior could mean she's suffering from a chronic condition that has her feeling ill and sluggish. This is how one hen of mine is behaving right now. I suspect she has tumors that are causing internal mischief, possibly even a chronic reproductive issue such as internal laying.

I'm going to admit there likely isn't much you can do for your hen beyond checking her crop for possible disorders and examining her poop for signs of infection or worms which could be treated.
Hi there, welcome to BYC! :frow

Maybe even some gout at her age. Are you willing to continue putting her in and out daily?

Possibly too much new pecking antic behavior at roost time.

Approaching molt, or weather/age related reduction of lay. If this is not the issue, it might be the beginning of decline. At some point euthanasia might be the considerate choice. Chickens being prey animals will hide their discomfort as long as possible. Not going to roost.. is pretty indicative of something intense, to me.. as chickens are very much creatures of habit. :hmm Do you happen to have a what if plan or have you thought about what you might do?

What is fed on regular basis including treats and supplements?

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