UGH!Please help this is the hardest place to get help...Tobey in top5!

Please vote for Tobey voting has started again and we only have till noon Monday!! it would really help us out to win the $1,000 Thanks
Tobey is an awesome dog, in this picture he is holding his leash. He can't have it dragging on the ground. He carries it if we let it go. If no leash he has to carry a stick. We have a well stocked pile of sticks for our wood burning stove. When I lost my St Bernard I thought I was done with dogs. I wasn't going to feel that pain again. I keep looking at Craigslist though & saw a litter of Goldens. As soon as I saw his picture I knew he was the one. I even named him before he got here. Tobey that is his name I told my daughter one day...I looked it up and Tobey means gift from God and he certainly has been!! Closing your heart to love after hurt is a easier thing to do than opening up and loving again. Sometimes you just need a special gift of a person or pet to show you that!
Please vote top prize is $1,000 gift card...Tobey needs a new toy!! lol and I need to pay off some debt! Thank you!!!
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Got it again today.
It is moved here because you cannot double post a thread. If you want it moved to random ramblings again ask a mod to move the thread there.

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