Ugly Chicken Butt- any cure?


11 Years
Apr 16, 2009
Conroe, Texas
Daisy is the BA hen(on the right) that has an ugly butt:


Clementine is our other BA hen that has a lovey butt:

WHY does Daisy have such an ugly butt and is there any remedy?

And yes, Daisy is our rooster's favorite, however he actually really loves Clementine as well, so I do not see this as an "over-roostered" problem. It seems to be more of a loss of feathers around the vent sort of problem, but I see no evidence of mites. Could just one hen have mites that bad and the others not be effected at all?

Thanks in advance for any advice/tips/info!!!!

Also, Daisy has been laying great- an egg a day, so that is not an issue, and she is eating/drinking otherwise fine-- I am just tired of looking at her awful ugly butt!!!!!!!

Is there any sign of feather growth at all? Has she always had a bald butt or is this a new look for her (
) ? Is her poop normal? Some of my girls have had messy butts that have recently given way to bald butts.
I'm sorry... but I could help but laugh.... especially you calling it "ugly butt"...

We have a bantam bo without feathers on his butt.... think he was the one with severe pasty butt and it just hasn't feathered in (he is still a baby).

Hope you find an answer soon...
I had a hen that had that problem! Just wait it out and the feathers will grow back!!!
We have a hen that looks like that too. "Scruffy Butt" is her name actually as she has looked like that since we got her a few months ago. The rest of her is pretty scruffy looking too! Busted feathers all over, but she lays eggs, eats, does all the normal chicken things. I would say if you have checked her over for pests, she'll feather in again when the time comes.
One of my BO's look like that too. She was the old roos favorite. Poor thing still has broken feathers on her back, a bald but, and her comb is lopsided, guess he grabbed on too hard. Am hoping she'll look like the rest of my girls except the funky comb after she molts. My new roo seems to be a gentleman so far.
thanks for all the replies!!!

I must confess I was hoping for a response that would say, "Soak her butt in lemon juice and she'll be fully feather in one week" or something like that- hahaha!!

I am just tired of looking at her sorry bottom and even though I proudly eat her eggs I feel a bit ashamed of the way she looks.
Is there a support group for that; Embarrased ugly-butt chicken owners anonymous?

I will just hope for more feathers to return- and things will surely get better in the long run as I have added more hens to our little flock.

again- thanks!
I did want to reply to you particularly and just say that YES- she had a messy butt previously and now the bald butt... hmmmmm. there may be a connection there and it may have nothing to do with roostering.

I think the feeling of a messy butt can lead to overzealous cleaning and feather loss, it seems to take forever for the feathers to come back too, in my experience. I'd say worm her or add apple cider vinegar to her water to try and solve the messy butt issue (and, as hard as it is, cut back on treats) and, it could be coincidence but my girls who have been snacking on game bird food (higher protein) seem to be feathering out quicker...

best of luck with your ugly butty- my girls go through patches when they are worse for wear and I'm slightly embarrassed I'm responsible for them.

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