Uh Oh, Rooster?? Not sure i want to take this on.

All Rooster every inch.............. Stevie Wonder could see that
I got a surprise Roo as well when I did not want one and I have to say that I am really happy I have General Dali. He takes care of his ladies, calls out to them when he has food, protects them if they go too far out of range, stops inner squabbles, and he is nice to me! I know the last part may change, but right now I am glad I have him and he is a pretty boy.

Your Roo is gorgeous, just spend time with him and make sure he knows you are the boss. There may come a day you have to make the hard choice but I am hoping your pretty boy is a good boy like mine
Thank you everyone. I have been in denial about her/him but today when I was giving them some pumpkin I was admiring the feathers and then really started to look at him/her. I hope he is nice and a good keeper of his ladies. I love this new little crew we have, it was so sad to lose my other girls. He has never let us pick him up etc, always wigs out. This is going to be interesting.

It sounds like many here have some nice Roos, I hope that is the case with us. (Although my little bulldog may not like it when he goes near her aggressivley, she does not bother with the girls but likes their food/treats I give them)
He probably will never want to be picked up. As long as he doesn't attack, that's a nice roo. He shouldn't struggle when you are holding him though. My roo likes to cuddle, but you always have to kind of chase him to get him to settle down

You will love watching him once he starts to find food for his ladies. That has to be my favourite part. My rooster, Steve will call out in this purring/chirping sound when he finds a good tidbit. He will never eat until his ladies are taken care of. He also alerts the flock when ever my cats are around. Not that the cats would do anything. Oh and once, a towel fell off the line, and he did a territorial dance at it.

Chicken keeping wouldn't be as much fun without my roosters!


My roo, Steve, wondering where all his girls went.


Warning the girls, for the bazillionth time that day. A leave must have fallen!
Yup Rooster. If he turns out mean you can try different ideas that are posted here on BYC. I rehomed mine (made them fully aware of his aggressiveness) and got another rooster that is really great so far. He's very pretty. Give him a chance and good luck to you and your chicken world!

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