Uh oh...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 28, 2009
Oakland, CA
This morning I actually heard my DH say "Let's get a few more chickens - I want some more breeds." This from the guy who obligingly but with a bit of eye-rolling built a coop and humored my chicken yearnings... Not sure what I'll do if he gets chicken addicted -- we're at the limit of six for our city! At least, I think that's the limit... UH OH

they sure catch on...lol. Last easter my feed store had a little "egg hunt" for kids and in one of our plastic ones was "get a free duck" paper slip. DH was ready to pick one out to bring home. I actually talked him out of it mainly because we don't have a set up for them and I've heard they are A LOT messier than chickens...lol. Hmmmm.....How bad are they really? Do they do well alone or always need a buddy? I might get a couple one day...just need to organize my yard and make a friendly area for them (like a little pond)
I like the way you think... ! Now-- any pointers on how to convince DH that we should save up for a nice country spread if we can ever retire?
Six per household or six each? I mean 6 is just not very many, subdivide your house and his half can have 6 and your half can have 6. Problem solved. (until #13 comes along)

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