Ultrasonic dog repeller?


5 Years
Feb 23, 2016
Has anybody ever used an ultrasonic dog repeller to deter dogs from getting close to your chicken pen? What were your results? Thanks!
Electrified fence around the perimeter is better. Not that expensive, use a solar charger, run 2 rows of wire using electric fence extended insulators so the wire sticks out a couple inches from the coop and run.. I have stray dogs, coyotes and skunks all try to get in. Worse thing that's happened is the dang skunk spraying when he hits the fence. WOW that'll stink up the yard! Luckily, since he's facing the coop to try to figure out a way in, the coop itself doesn't get sprayed.
If you have a tractor supply you can get the Zareba that's very similar for $99.99. The Zareba is the one I have and it's lasted almost 4 years so far and going strong. I've tried the battery style and they don't hold up at all. Solar though.. I have one for my chickens and a larger solar one for my horses and they are great!
Cool! I will definitely look into that. My only concern is that I teach music lessons at my house, so I always have little kids wanting to go see the chickens. I'm thinking about maybe putting up the electric fence around the original pen then putting up another fence around that, maybe just welded wire since the original pen is hardwire cloth. That might be overkill but I'm so sick of all the stray dogs we have everywhere messing with my babies. Thanks for the input!
Patriot chargers are a good bang for your buck. The P5 is a dual use charger with 0.5 jouiles that peaks 6k volts. It comes with both plug in and cables for battery. If you've power access to the coop you don't even need the dual use charger and can get the direct plug for less. 0.5 joules is more than enough to deter predators. That's what I have connected to electric netting. Just purchased a 1 joule to electrify the bee apiary to deter bear. They need a bit more juice, 8k volt will do.

Marine batteries work extremely well but are expensive. Will need recharging from battery charger every week and half. You can pick up decent amp hour batteries off eBay. 18ah and 20ah batteries are inexpensive and need recharging every 5 days. To lengthen battery life don't let it discharge more that 70%.


This is a P5:

Basic plug in charger 0.5 joule for $50, Gallagher and Zebra chargers are at most local stores:
All you have to do with an electric fence is unplug it when kids are around. Unplug extension cord or take off one of the battery terminal clips.
Kids learn really fast to not touch the fence. You can turn it off for them to see the chickens,then turn it back on. I think all of use who were kids raised around electric fence learned at one time or another to not touch that fence. It will surprise them, but not hurt them.
OK. I think I'm sold on the electric fence option. Sounds way more reliable than the the ultrasonic repeller. I'm going to look into all these options. Thanks everyone!

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