Umm, I'm not sure whats going on here?!

Thanks For info! The ones I had were rather oddly shaped, much longer for their width than normal. They were from a light weight class bird but I don't remember if they were China or Roman. I used 30 minutes and the whites were like rubber and the yokes completely cooked. I cut them in half and stuffed them as usual, then decided that they were just too much and cut them so six wedges made up an egg. with a sprinkle of that mild red pepper powder (forgot name) they made a very striking presentation laid out like flower petals on my largest plate.
Back in those days, I was selling my truly large goose eggs for crafts.
I think you need to box them up and send them to me......
I'll have no problems raising gosling here in Florida...... pllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssseeeeee
hi C. Rose! hi Goosedragon!

ok i'm so relieved to read this - its not just me! whew!

my demon embden gander has gone after my old, lame chicken a couple times (he only does this during breeding season), he's aggressive and doesnt want me anywhere near their nite coop...he keeps trying to grab me when i put them up at nite. i'll have to crawl way in the back and see if there are any eggs.

and then there is the matter of them sneaking into the hen house (which they havent had any interest in all summer). something definitely is afoot!

and then there is my young muscovy drake... he's getting all pushy and crowding me lately. he even flew at me - and since he's about the size of a small collie it was really something. if he doesnt knock it off he'll end up in the pot! he's also chasing after the lady ducks.

our muscovy hen, Dash, is about to hatch a clutch. we really didnt want late season babies but we just couldnt stop her... and we figured at least we can keep her cooped for the winter (normally they wont come in).

this is a crazy season for sure
ô ô It's the end of the world as we know it...... la la la........ ô ô

Seriously though, the weather patterns have been all messed up this year and maybe it has something to do with it.
LOL Jean.
Well other than some global cooling around here not much difference in the weather.

So get this...this morning while doing chores Miss Horny goose was begging gander A to breed her. He did. Then her long time mate gander B bred her, then right after that she went back to gander A and teased him again and he bred her and all this happened within about 5 minutes or less.
And its the geese not the ganders that are the instigators.

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