Unbalanced and Lethargic Hen

Color in her wattles or comb is definitely a good sign! How old is she? I've read a lot that those shrink as they age. Daisy's comb used to be huge (as you can see in my profile picture) and it gradually shrunk as she got older. So, shrunken isn't always a bad thing! Hopefully her tests come back with good results!

Yeah, the shrinking wattles are normal. I saw it in a video.
Color in her wattles or comb is definitely a good sign! How old is she? I've read a lot that those shrink as they age. Daisy's comb used to be huge (as you can see in my profile picture) and it gradually shrunk as she got older. So, shrunken isn't always a bad thing! Hopefully her tests come back with good results!
Lilybug <3 is a little over 3 years old. I've noticed from raising babies that age causes shrinkage too so I guess it is possible. It's weird looking though because only one wattle is red! Maybe she was trying to put lipstick on and missed her lips! I want her results to be good but we need to find the problem..so in a way I hope they find something and that something is treatable.I can't believe she has been ill for 5 months and is still hanging in there.God love her!!!!! You should post some pictures of Daisy! She is such a cutey. We had a hen that looked like her when we first discovered the pleasures of having chickens. Her name was Peanut, but unfortunately we believe she was ill when we got her and she passed away.She adored my husband. They had a very special bond. It is always so hard losing a baby. To us it is like losing a child!
Lilybug <3 is a little over 3 years old. I've noticed from raising babies that age causes shrinkage too so I guess it is possible. It's weird looking though because only one wattle is red! Maybe she was trying to put lipstick on and missed her lips! I want her results to be good but we need to find the problem..so in a way I hope they find something and that something is treatable.I can't believe she has been ill for 5 months and is still hanging in there.God love her!!!!! You should post some pictures of Daisy! She is such a cutey. We had a hen that looked like her when we first discovered the pleasures of having chickens. Her name was Peanut, but unfortunately we believe she was ill when we got her and she passed away.She adored my husband. They had a very special bond. It is always so hard losing a baby. To us it is like losing a child!

Hopefully they find something that's easy to treat then! I totally understand hoping they do find something, but treatable of course! I'll have to take a look and find threads to share Daisy's pictures on :) I have a bunch! I'm sorry to hear about Peanut :( it really is like losing a child! You raise them like one and bond with them like one, and losing them is very difficult :(
Lilybug <3 is a little over 3 years old. I've noticed from raising babies that age causes shrinkage too so I guess it is possible. It's weird looking though because only one wattle is red! Maybe she was trying to put lipstick on and missed her lips! I want her results to be good but we need to find the problem..so in a way I hope they find something and that something is treatable.I can't believe she has been ill for 5 months and is still hanging in there.God love her!!!!! You should post some pictures of Daisy! She is such a cutey. We had a hen that looked like her when we first discovered the pleasures of having chickens. Her name was Peanut, but unfortunately we believe she was ill when we got her and she passed away.She adored my husband. They had a very special bond. It is always so hard losing a baby. To us it is like losing a child!

Pets to me, are more than just animals. They're family. I would do anything to make them live happy, healthy lives. For example, when my hens were chicks, I had them out in the living room. I was always so worried about them, so I slept out on the couch, every single night, until they were old enough to go outside. And now that they're hens, sometimes I sleep in my brother's room with the window open, so that I can listen to them, to make sure that everything is ok, as I go to sleep. But when I can't sleep in his room, I check on them twice before I got to bed. It just shows how much we animal lovers love and care for our beloved family members. And how it breaks our hearts when they pass, but we can always be assured that for the time that they did live, they were truly happy.

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