Uncontrollable Shaking, can’t balance, please help my Frizzle Chick


5 Years
Oct 23, 2016
Im desperate for help. I adopted 3 frizzle chicks and 1 of them has been shaking uncontrollably since arriving at my house. I’ve had all 3 for approx 3 weeks, the hatch mates are healthy and have integrated into the flock, this shaking chick has been progressively getting worse by the day and can’t seem to balance. She was attacked by the older chickens 2 days ago, I’ve since segregated her and she’s living in my house in a kennel. I’m feeding her electrolyte/vitamin water. I’m lost at what else to do and I’m wondering if there is any hope for her or if the kind thing to do is end her suffering. I’m willing to try any suggestions and I’m attempting to post a video of her symptoms. Please help if you have any suggestions.
I can't seem to post the video of her no matter how short I edit it. I can email it to anyone willing to have a look and give me their best educated guess. Unfortunately our local vets don't assess chickens.
Videos have to be upload to youtube or similar platform, the you provide us a link. The BYC video upload does not work:(

I'm sorry to hear about your chick. Photos of her poop may be helpful as well.
Is there any way you can take a stool sample to your vet for testing of Coccidiosis?

The symptoms you describe sound neurological. I would get some vitamin E into her along with B vitamins. 400IU vitamin E daily and 1/4tablet of human B-Complex would be good. Offer her some chopped egg or tuna for Selenium.

@oldhenlikesdogs knows more about breeds than I do, are Frizzles a mix with Silkies? If so, I would gamble that this is neurological, but could be wrong.
I am highly suspicious you are right. This appears to be neurological. It’s much worse tonight then it was this morning. She’s sleeping peacefully, but when she wakes the shaking is very severe. I hope she is not suffering. I’m trying to figure out how to post on YouTube, I am painfully awkward with technology. I hope I can link the video soon so that I can give her a chance at possibly fighting this. Maybe someone will be familiar with her symptoms and have a solution. Thank you so much for the replies.
I am highly suspicious you are right. This appears to be neurological. It’s much worse tonight then it was this morning. She’s sleeping peacefully, but when she wakes the shaking is very severe. I hope she is not suffering. I’m trying to figure out how to post on YouTube, I am painfully awkward with technology. I hope I can link the video soon so that I can give her a chance at possibly fighting this. Maybe someone will be familiar with her symptoms and have a solution. Thank you so much for the replies.
Frizzle can occur in many breeds but is more common in certain breeds like bantam cochin. If you cross a frizzle Cochin with a silkie you can end up with a sizzle. To tell if your bird has silkie in its breeding look for black skin, extra toes and usually a small crest.

The picture is blurry so it's hard to see these traits. Silkies can have domed skulls that makes them vulnerable to head injuries from pecks, some also can have open areas on their skull even if they aren't domed.

I once had a domed skull silkie that did get pecked in her skull and was never right. Very dumpy and slow, and prone to falling over. She's the main reason I don't keep silkies anymore.

The other option I was thinking was Mareks. It's possible it's advanced far enough to cause the shaking. We generally cull after they can no longer walk efficiently. I doubt your little bird will improve unfortunately, but definitely try vitamins because you never know.

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