unexpected chick


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 9, 2013
On a mountain in West Virginia
One of my hens went broody so I put an egg under her, never expecting it to hatch. Well it did! Cutest little chick! however, I didn't know what to do with the chick so I put it in a box and am feeding and watering it like when we originially received our chicks from the hatchery. Should I have left the chick with the hen? Would she take care of it? Feed it? Protect it? I've had it in the box for 2 days, in the house, keeping it warm ...... should I put it back?
The chick is unlikely to do very well on its own so yes, either put it back with its mum (though you need to watch very closely to ensure she accepts it back and cares for it) or you need to get another chick or two to keep it company. You cannot be a suitable substitute for company of its own kind x

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