Unexpected Chicken Farmer


Apr 5, 2016
Moulton, AL
Hello! So, funny story... Saturday, my parents showed up at my youngest's bday party with my 3 son's (ages 6, 4 & 2) belated Easter presents. Three chicks! Not that big of a deal... However, we had no heads up & we are in the process of buying a house. Just a tad inconvenient... Oh, and all we were provided with was a bag of feed & the tiny cardboard box they were in. My hubby & I were in a slight state of shock, but weren't about to crush their little hearts. You know kids are great at getting instantly attached to cute little fuzzy animals.
After a quick bit of "googling" we go spend $50 at Tractor Supply on the basics. Then, a bit more "googling" over the last 3 days has proven BYC is the place to go for answers! So, here I am. I'm all in & have tons of questions!

Meet our birds! My oldest son named them Gold (obvious which one...), Peck (all black) & Nugget (black w/ white patch).
Welcome to BYC and to the world of chicken keeping/raising. Be careful these little things are very addictive.
They are cute as a button. When they are 6-8 weeks old you can post their photos at "what breed or gender is this." Congratulations.

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