Unexplained death


10 Years
Jun 1, 2013
West Virginia
My dear Henrietta died last night of mysterious causes. She was a six year old Buff Orpington, and the leader of my flock. She is buried now under her favorite Bridal Veil bush. I did not perform a necropsy and our vet had informed me that unless she does it immediately after, birds deteriorate too rapidly to tell anything. The state people have told me they only service the poultry industry. So don’t send me links for a necropsy.

I am looking for some comfort here. I am mourning my best hen. I wonder if I could have done something differently. Here is what happened: Henrietta had been in excellent health. Her comb was bright red and she ate laying mash with gusto. She was not a lover of fatty treats but preferred fruit. Her poop was normal. She was not the best layer until late in life, but this past year she had been laying a lovely egg every other day with no problems. Yesterday she was fine, eating, drinking, scratching around, and laid a lovely egg. It was the first hot day of the summer, and I went out to give the flock some frozen blueberries in water. I saw her just standing there, and she did not come over, but did eat a couple of blueberries. Her pupils looked dilated and she acted stunned. Her comb was bright red though and I could find no evidence of illness or injury. So I took her to the basement to our hospital crate. I gave her a little meloxicam because we did find a bumblebee in the yard and I thought it might have stung her. I gave her water with Rooster Booster in it for the probiotics and electrolytes. She drank a few times. I also syringed some in her mouth because I thought she might be dehydrated. She did have some clear diarrhea. By this time it was about 9:30 so I left her planning to check on her in the morning. At 6:30 a.m. I checked on her and found her dead in the crate. I think she suffered. She had laid a thin shelled egg. She also had thrown up. I know I will never know for sure, but I sure would like some educated guesses. Dehydration? Peritonitis? Some kind of poison? Old age? I have tried to prepare myself for loss because my flock is six years old, but I was not prepared for this type of death. It just seems like I could have helped her some way and missed the boat. I am a very good and conscientious chicken keeper. I feel like I somehow killed her. She was the picture of a happy healthy hen yesterday morning.
Oh-no. So sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose something you take such good care of. :hugs
It could've been a reproductive issue. Chickens can only lay eggs for approx. three years and some can start having problems. It's a miracle if chickens can still lay at five years of age. Again, so sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss. While there are chickens that can, and some do live longer than 6 years, that's not the norm. She was 6 years old, so I'm not doubting your level of care. When chickens get older, there are several things that come with old age, and you don't always have control over them. A heart attack is not uncommon in older birds, which has nothing to do with their level of care, but simply has to do with ageing.

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