Unexplained duck loss

I'm so very sorry to hear about the loss of Pixie. He was a very special one. I understand how hard it is to say goodbye to our precious ducks.

I had a crested duck who looked very much like Pixie. 💖

Regarding the cause of death, we could speculate, but without a necropsy that's all it is. Even veterinarians often don't know without a necropsy.

My ducks have also mourned the loss of their flockmates. It is very hard. They quack loudly, calling for the missing duck, behave oddly, and seem clingy to each other and me. I try to give them extra mealworms, fresh water, take them on walks, ect, to try to make them feel better. I have lost 4 ducks now. And it has taken anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months, depending on which duck passed away, for my remaining ducks to recover completely. But the worst grieving has usually passed with a few weeks.
I will keep my eyes open.

I have another question. This has been the second day since my drake Pixie died. The 3 girls are grieving. They stay in the same area of the large coop, barely eat anything at all and other than one or two bites of the watermelon, won't eat it.

I try to make sure I spend time with them and re-assure them they are safe and convince them to eat.

How long can this last? Should I be worried? I know I am still mourning his loss and can't imagine how they feel. I worry that they barely even nibble their food.
It can last as KaleIAm said weeks to months. Ducks grieve very much like people do so not eating and acting overall depressed is not uncommon. This might be a good time to give them a poultry supplement that is also meant to help with stress. Rooster Booster and Poultry cell are both suggested for stressed birds and even just an electrolyte mix can help.

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