Unhatched keet in trouble


8 Years
Mar 17, 2011
Melrose, Florida
I went to check on the silkies and their eggs and saw one egg covered in ants. I picked it up and saw a hole in the shell and ants pouring out of the hole when I picked it up. I could here the keet peeping like crazy. I got the eggs and silkies out of the nest and into a wire cage. Silkies were freaking but did go back to setting on the eggs. Is there anything safe I can spray to kill the ants? The ants were all over my hands but did not bite me so I don't think they are the red ants. Suggestions please. I can still here the keet peeping. I didn't see any more ants coming out of the hole before I put it into the cage with the other eggs.
Since it has already pipped & they are not sitting on it now, you can put it in the incubator, or help it finish hatching. I have not had much luck with any bird that doesn't hatch on its own. If it isn't strong enough to hatch it usually isn't strong enough to thrive, IMO.
I don't have an incubator and the silkies are still setting on the eggs. I moved the eggs to a wire cage. I hope all the ants exited the egg when I picked it up. I didn't see any more ants leaving the hole so I put it back in under the silkies. I keep going out to check on them and I am still hearing peeping.
Here it is 108 outside, I imagine it would hatch on its own without anyone sitting on it, since it has already pipped. Not sure how hot it is where you are. Good luck!
I moved the silkies into the house since I had nothing predator proof, and ant proof out in the coop and run. One hatched that night and another yesterday. I still have 3 eggs under them but I am not sure if the keet with the ants is one that hatched. I am thinking it is the first one that hatched. I should have marked the egg so I would know but I was in such a panic to get the eggs and silkies safe I didn't think of it at the time. I am just keeping my fingers crossed.

I use DE and wrongly presumed that would take care of any ants that got into the silkie nest.
I believe that DE takes some time to work. It's not a poison, so it doesn't happen quickly. Instead, DE abrades the exoskeleton and the insect is dessicated within a few days.
I have been using DE since I finished the coop. I changed out the bedding mid july and added fresh DE. I then top off with DE each week. Somebody told me to use seven dust in the coop for ants so I am going to try that.

I forgot that my one silkie had 5 guinea eggs and the black had 2 but they switch them back and forth. So I actually have 5 eggs still under them. I don't know if the eggs were viable or not or how old they were. I am surprised that 2 have hatched.

They are just soooo cute. They are both eating and drinking and pooing. Both silkies are being protective and are managing to communicate with the keets even though they don't speak the same language. I sit in there and watch them in amazement. Both silkies are taking responsibility for both keets. The keets go back and forth between the silkies tucking themselves under the fluffed up feathers of the silkies.
How cool! I have a Silkie that's raising two keets. The Guinea cock showed up and she ran him off! I guess he heard the peeping and thought one of the 7 he and his mate are raising had gotten loose.
How cool! I have a Silkie that's raising two keets. The Guinea cock showed up and she ran him off! I guess he heard the peeping and thought one of the 7 he and his mate are raising had gotten loose.

I have been following your posts about your guineas and your silkies. I love my silkies they are amazing. I can't wait to see how they do with the keets once they really are able to start mothering them. They have both showed their babies where the food and water is. I have the keet food in a little dish and one of the silkies pulled the dish under herself for the keets to eat from. I guess she didn't want me watching the babies, lol.

They still have some eggs under them but I am going to allow extra time to see if they hatch out since bringing them in the house has been a big change in temp and humidity. They were out in that 100 degree heat and now into a house with AC. I do have them in one of the bathrooms which is the only room in the house without AC. I don't know if any more will hatch or not but I am just excited that two hatched. I was praying that another would hatch when I saw that first little cutey. I didn't want it to be alone without any hatchmates.

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