Unknown death


In the Brooder
Dec 17, 2015
Southeast Texas
This morning we found our buttercup pullet dead in the run. She was just fine yesterday. There was no evidence of why she died. I am wondering if the other pullets may have done something to her. They are red stars and are quite a bit larger than she was. They are 7 weeks old. I just hate that this happened because she was doing so good.
Sorry, sometimes that happens. I don't think the others did anything. She must of had something wrong with her, a bad heart is the best suggestion. Not every chick is formed correctly, some die immediately after hatch others make it weeks. If it was the others she would be pecked bloody and it would be obvious. Sorry again.
Hi. Sorry for the loss of your chick. Yes, sometimes it happens with no warning or outward signs of trouble. I had one chick die two weeks after I got them. I'd checked on them right before bed and everyone was doing great. In the morning she was on her back with not a mark on her. All the others have been perfectly fine in the weeks since.

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