Unknown growth on the inside of chicken leg

I think that feather cysts can also have a waxy pus core inside as well. I wonder if your state vet or even local vet could look at a few cells under a microscope to help you identify this? Let us know what happens.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I tried the syringe today. There was A LOT of blood. She was such a great patient the whole time. I drained a good amount until the mass went from pretty hard to a little squishy. I bandaged her up, gave her some grubs as a treat which she ate eagerly, and left her cozy in the sun to run an errand.
Iā€™m sure you can all guess what I found when I returned. šŸ˜„
I didnā€™t have the heart to cut her all the way open after the fact. It was obviously a pretty random thing that I hopefully never see again. She got a sunset burial and Iā€™m glad sheā€™s not experiencing any more discomfort.
Thanks again for your support!

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