Unknown issues

Kung Fu Chicken

6 Years
Oct 22, 2013
Wilmington, Illinois
My Coop
My Coop
Hello all,

Got a problematic Barred Rock about 3 years old. She had developed Vent Gleet (Slimy Butt) during the winter and didn't notice until March sometime when the slime advanced to her underbelly. Took preventative and action measures to, "Dry her out". Epsom salt bath with blow dry. Clipped her vent feathers and cleaned every morning. Added ACV to water along with vitamins and a dash of epsom salts too to help the insides. For the longest time she's had diarrhea, wet watery and explosive too. Usually it's brown liquidish with grass/weed, free range trimmings and sometimes a hint of white stuff. It doesn't make sense and can't find anything to match those specific symptoms. Since treatment began, the feathers have dried out and just keep the vent area trimmed short to avoid collecting mucus. Since reading Lisa Steele's new book, have added DE to the water, some herbs and currently on Kocci Free treatments. 3 days so far. Now the stools are black watery messes, yet she seems active and have seen her eat and drink solid food from the feeders. Don't know what's going on, but she hasn't laid since late May. Anyone have a clue to what it is ?

None of these has matched the symptoms she's been getting:

Foul Pox

Did I miss anything?
Not exactly sure what it is, but you might consider giving her an anti-biotic such as Duramycin or Terramycin. You can usually find this at the feed store and I hope your chicken gets better.
Tried that too. No luck...

We feed them yogurt with live cultures every day and sprinkle chopped herbs into it. Still no results.

There are some pictures of her on my site if administration would OK it for viewing. No annoying ads that I know of. GreenAnything.Net

Maybe you could spot her in one of them.
Hello all,

Got a problematic Barred Rock about 3 years old. She had developed Vent Gleet (Slimy Butt) during the winter and didn't notice until March sometime when the slime advanced to her underbelly. Took preventative and action measures to, "Dry her out". Epsom salt bath with blow dry. Clipped her vent feathers and cleaned every morning. Added ACV to water along with vitamins and a dash of epsom salts too to help the insides. For the longest time she's had diarrhea, wet watery and explosive too. Usually it's brown liquidish with grass/weed, free range trimmings and sometimes a hint of white stuff. It doesn't make sense and can't find anything to match those specific symptoms. Since treatment began, the feathers have dried out and just keep the vent area trimmed short to avoid collecting mucus. Since reading Lisa Steele's new book, have added DE to the water, some herbs and currently on Kocci Free treatments. 3 days so far. Now the stools are black watery messes, yet she seems active and have seen her eat and drink solid food from the feeders. Don't know what's going on, but she hasn't laid since late May. Anyone have a clue to what it is ?

None of these has matched the symptoms she's been getting:

Foul Pox

Did I miss anything?
Did the vent gleet clear up? If not try an anti-fungal cream like Canesten or Monistat,apply to vent area. You can purchase Nystatin liquid from a vet. You could try giving her a suppository orally for treating yeast infections(Canesten,Monistat)this treatment is also used for sour crop.
Yes, all clear a few weeks afterward. I'm sure it's not a yeast infection. There's no yellow mucus anywhere. It's like her vent is partially plugged by something. Could an egg be stuck between the ovary and the poop shoot causing the stools to explode outward ?
Yes, all clear a few weeks afterward. I'm sure it's not a yeast infection. There's no yellow mucus anywhere. It's like her vent is partially plugged by something. Could an egg be stuck between the ovary and the poop shoot causing the stools to explode outward ?
If an egg was stuck,she would very ill after this length of time and probably not be able to poop. Diarrhea is usually a result of diet. Do a cloacal exam,see if there is some obstruction.
Um....Yuck !

Hate to ask, how's that done ??
Not yuck,necessary to rule out internal issues. Put on gloves and some lubricant,gently insert finger into vent,see if you feel anything. There is probably nothing stuck internally,but this way you will know for sure. Try putting her back on her reg chicken feed,no treats for a couple of days,see if the diarrhea goes away.
Just to back up, are you still using epsom salts in the water? That causes diarrhea, and is good for flushing out toxins, but not good for frequent use. Sometimes I believe people use too many herbs in their chicken feed. I have tried garlic, cayenne pepper, and oregano in my feed, but don't use these things often. Once a week is enough. I'm convinced that oregano can cause diarrhea or upset stomach when used too much in animals. I think just using their normal feed, some probiotics or a bit of yogurt cultures is good enough. Foods like cottage cheese, applesauce, and cooked rice can cause the stools to be more solid. I agree with 10 chicks in limiting treats. One of the biggest reasons chickens don't lay eggs (and have diarrhea) is because of worms. Many people want to be all natural with their chickens, but Valbazen is one of the best wormers on the market today, and is used safely in people. If your kids have worms, wouldn't you treat them?
Stopped using epsom salts in water about a month ago, no change in stool consistency. We do give daily yogurt with oatmeal and wheat germ granules.

And Valbazen we have done twice this year along with CoridV once. No effect other than her comb turning orange for a few days.

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