Unkown issue


Mar 3, 2019
New-Brunswick Canada
This one has me stumped. I have a 2 year old plymouth who went from broody to....not acting like herself. Layes around while the others peck at treats. I isolated her and she doesnt have any crop issues and she isnt egg bound. She had a few raised scales on her legs so I put something on there for that. She isnt interested in eating and she only pooped a little bit (looks like diarrhea). All the sick chickens I ever had either had water belly or sour/impacted crop. I can't figure out what is wrong with this one. No breathing problems or mites under wings or vent. Any ideas? Thx!
Did she hatch out chicks ?
Broody or just sort of isolating herself?

I would work on getting her hydrated, then see if she will eat some wet feed. A direct dose of poultry vitamins for a few days would be good.
The symptoms you describe are quite vague, understandably, you notice something off, but sometimes it's hard to nail down.

Re-check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight, re-look her over for lice/mites, swelling of joints, bottom of feet, bloat in the abdomen, etc. Consider deworming or having a fecal float to rule out worms.

Hopefully she'll perk up.
Did she hatch out chicks ?
Broody or just sort of isolating herself?

I would work on getting her hydrated, then see if she will eat some wet feed. A direct dose of poultry vitamins for a few days would be good.
The symptoms you describe are quite vague, understandably, you notice something off, but sometimes it's hard to nail down.

Re-check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight, re-look her over for lice/mites, swelling of joints, bottom of feet, bloat in the abdomen, etc. Consider deworming or having a fecal float to rule out worms.

Hopefully she'll perk up.
She was broody for a couple of days then she stopped (we dont have a rooster or chicks but some of my plymouth go broody once in a while). Then I noticed she was in the run where they all hang out during the day but she was isolating herself...mostly laying down, snoozing (or lethargic) and she wouldnt come to get treats when offered. She drank lots of water yesterday and she took a few mouthfulls of yogurt that I put right under beak so she wouldnt need to get up for it. After that, I isolated her and she doesnt seem to have eaten or drank since isolated...just lies down and poops where she is. Her crop was empty this morning, no swelling or injuries.
She may have not been feeling well those couple of days instead of being broody.
When was her last egg?

Drinking lots of water, I would still be checking that crop. What's her poop like?
Could be yes but she was on the nest for a couple of days. I dont know when was her last eggs since I have 9 hens in total so hard to tell who layed what. I put out a waterer with electrolytes yesterday because it was warm. All the hens flocked to it so that got her interested enough so she had water then...maybe shouldnt have said ' a lot' but I was happy she at least had some. Her poop yesterday were consistent with posts of i've seen stating she had little to eat. This morning there was also a yellow/green liquid puddle. She took two bites of yogurt from my hand but I couldnt get her to eat more. Maybe I should deworm? Just to sure how to get it in her if she won't eat.

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