~Unleashed~ A Stray Dog RP - All are welcome!

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Willow stopped and looked at the dog in front of her. She said,"That dog tried to steal one of my pack member's pups. After we caught him, we were going to bring him back for questioning, until he attacked us and you helped him get away."
Picea looked at the leader, and picked her head up, now showing no respect, she acted as if they were of the same rank.
"Oh" she said, staring down Empire. "How would you like one of your pups stolen, you big loon?" She asked him.
Empire looked at Picea, and decided against growling at her. He just, surprisingly cowered down, under her stare that made her seem of twice his strength.

Picea looked at the leader, and picked her head up, now showing no respect, she acted as if they were of the same rank.
Willow was slightly offended, but she knew how loners and pushed it away for now. She then looked towards Empire.
Duck, Alaska, and Azza walked over to Picea. They all greeted each other, and turned to Willow. "So, when you're done with him, are you going to kill him?" (By the way, if you decide that you want the characters to kill him, you have my permission to) "If you aren't, we will take him"
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