Unofficial survey about roosters.

I have had...

3 EE roosters, father and his sons all became aggressive to others, but not to me. I raised them all, the father since he was 4 months old, the sons from eggs.

1 Buff Orpington (three years old), sweet as pie, never aggressive to anyone. Raised by me from a day old chick.

1 Buff Orp/RIR cross, never aggressive. Incubated and raised by me.

2 Black Sex-Links, one was very aggressive -tried to take out my eye- the other is sweet to me but fear-aggressive to others. Both were incubated and raised by me.

1 Black Australorp, became very aggressive when he reached maturity. I raised him from a day old.

1 Red Sex-Link, sweet guy. Raised from a day old.

While some has to do with breed, I think most aggression has to do with their circumstances, how they were raised, how they are kept, and mostly the body language of the person they are interacting with.

I can stop my roosters from approaching me by holding my hand out- my dad tries that and he'll get his fingers bit!
naked neck roo, got as a day old, now about 5 months, as sweet as can be MOST of the time....left a bruise on my hand(still have it after 2 weeks) but he got a good scolding for doing it, never done it again after that, loves to be pet and held, loves his girls already

OEGB 2 roos got as day olds, 5 months old, 1 is protective of his food, the other is a total baby, they are kept in the same pen, they both got beat up on by my blue frizzle pullet(5mths) so i had to separate them
Humm well I had a turken roo (RIP) he was an awesome and friendly rooster.
I also have an oegb rooster and he is somewhat skittish but he is friendly.
I other roosters i've had are a Silkie (he was mean), salmon faverolle (very friendly), cochin (some mean some friendly), Buttercup (very skittish but not mean) and rir (very big beautiful and friendly)
I have had 2 silky bantam roos, I found a nice home for one and I still have one.
Both have beautiful personalities, not at all aggro towards people.
He doesnt handfeed like the hens yet, but he is a fencesitter and protector of his girls, he is 1 year old and well and truly doing his thing!
I had a EE that I got at 7 weeks. Turned very mean towards my dogs and the other chickens. He had to go.

I have a Cochin roo and a silkie right now both are very docile. Raised the Cochin from 1 day old. Got the silkie at about 3 weeks.
Yes lets talk roosters
Australorp- Loved him , he attacked me 3 times and was supper.
Dominique- The best, loved his crow and easy to handle
Phoenix - I've had tons well over 100 now. I had 1 hatchery bird that was very aggressive and he went to the soup pot. The rest are big babies.
Jungle fowl - Big babies and a bit on the AAUUGGHH!! flighty side when handled. But totally unagressive.
Giant cochins and Brahmas: Just like a big harry stuffed animal Teddy Bear.
Now for Bantams:
OEGS Like little soldiers doting on the girls, leave the ladies alone and all is well.
D'uccles 50%-50% had some meanies and had some lap chickens.
Silkies: Well acording to my son they just don't like ME, so he says. Most are good but he does get the occasional wolf in sheeps clothing .
Cochins: Again w/ the 50%-50%
Serama , I love em , it's the hens that get all upity and in your face.
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I love this thread! Seems like a lot depends on the individual rooster but also breeds are showing up that just tend to be not so friendly. Very interesting. One that surprises me is the silkie. I have always heard that they are such great pets. Seems like some of the roos are not so friendly. My cochin bantams are still young and the roos are real sweethearts. I am anxious to see how they are when they get a little older. I guess I will not take for granted that they will stay that way.
I am a litttle worried about my ameraucana now. I sure hope he doesn't get mean. If so, I will be looking for another roo for my standard hens.
As #5 would say, I need more input! Let's keep this going BYC.
Chi lady in Michigan
I have two Ameracauna/EE roosters who are almost 5 months old right now. We've had them, as well as the 17 pullets, since they were day-old chicks. Red is not at all agressive, but not exactly friendly. He is shy. Purple knows he is a handsome boy and will allow himself to be stroked, cuddled, and picked up. He will eat out of my hand. Both of them are lovely once you have them in your arms.

They are rough to the hens when doing their 'rooster thing' but are fine otherwise. They do not squabble at all, really.
EE's - have 2 hatched in early March. They compete for hens but are not aggressive toward people. I'm trying to rehome one to stop the competition. Is nice enough and comes when called but does not like to be touched.

BR- he was a rescue I got last fall. He's just over a year now and has never been aggressive toward people. Takes good care of his ladies. Is nice enough and comes when called but does not like to be touched.

Polish - what can I say? He's beautiful but is high strung and nervous. Would love to find him a good home, too. Does not like to be touched.

OEGB - sweet roo who is good with his girls but does not like to be touched. Has never attacked.

Maran - sweetest roo I've ever had. Takes good care of his ladies and is good for raising pullets without breeding until they are ready. Does not like to be touched.
When I was young, my family had a couple of RIR roosters who were very aggressive, but I used to tease them a lot (I know now that was wrong of me to do; I had a lot of issues as a kid).

I had Silkies roos as a teenager. None of them were aggressive twords me, though they did act quite "cocky" to each other at times (pardon the pun). They have a lot of attitude for being such little guys!

Now I have 3 Silkie and 2 D'Uccle roos. The oldest Silkie roo is so docile, but still he is the king of his pen of 5 roosters and two hens... even though he is the oldest/biggest, he has never made a move against any of the other roosters... they literally just bounce right off of him, and I think they get the point just from that!

The other two Silkie roos will occasionally spar with each other and pick on the D'Uccle roos, but are not aggessive towards me. The two D'Uccle roos are very docile and just bud around with each other.

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