Unplugged Egg Turner for day and a half!!


9 Years
May 25, 2010
Santa Rosa
Yikes! I candled my eggs on Friday night at about 9pm. I unplugged the turner at that time since I need the outlet for my light. I thought I plugged it back in...but turns out I plugging in a lamp instead! I just discoved it this afternoon...Sunday at about 3pm. Sooo my eggies from late day 12 to mid day 14 were not turned. How bad is this? Anyone have any idea? They are shipped eggs so not doing great anyhow..already had to cull 4 out of 10. Do you think I've killed them?
something like this happened to me with my turkey eggs, except I did not catch it til lockdown time 2 weeks later. none of mine hatched, and I was just sick over it. But yours was a much shorter time than mine, so hopefully it will be ok.
Since they were already so far along you should be fine.
Apparently the danger of not turning is greatest during the first week. See page 2 of the link below for more details.

Best of luck to you and your little ones!
Thank you so much! That link was very helpful. I feel much better.

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