Unsteady duck


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
Cypress Inn, TN
I have a problem with one of my pekins. She came out of their house having trouble walking. Her head is kinda shaking a little. She's still alert, just can't seem to keep her balance. She's over a year old. All of the other ducks seem to be fine. Any thoughts?
I have a problem with one of my pekins. She came out of their house having trouble walking. Her head is kinda shaking a little. She's still alert, just can't seem to keep her balance. She's over a year old. All of the other ducks seem to be fine. Any thoughts?
This time of year with laying season getting started we always have to ask when she laid last or could she have gotten into anything toxic?
I was originally thinking that my drake got too rough with her. She looked pretty tattered when she came out of the house.
I'd separate her and him and see if that helps perk her up they can be pretty rough on the girls, if you have some poultry vitamins I'd give her some for a few days. if you have more females though you'll need to keep close eye on them too. Seems sometimes drakes have special girls they tend to show why too much affection[and I use the term lightly]
I have 1 drake with 6 girls. He does have his 2 favorites and she's one of them.
Maybe give those 2 some time away from him so he spreads his mating out better and your one girl won't have to be by herself. Try to keep them where they can all see each other though it will make putting them back easier.

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