Unsure if my quail is nesting


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2016
OK so it looks as though we hav about 16 to 17 eggs all laid in one spot. Though I can't tell if my quail is nesting (if that makes sense) so what I mean is today and yesterday I noticed that she has been sitting and covering over her pile of eggs all of a sudden but every now and then she gets off I think to eat and drink. So I guess my question is, is my quail trying or wanting to hatch her eggs? I don't know how to explain myself lol. Some help would be great thank you in advance ..
It sounds as if she is getting ready to set. You may want to reduce the eggs to a number that she can effectively cover and brood just in case.
She could be laying an egg a day or so and she will incubate them all together once done laying so they hatch at the same time
She has piled them all ontop if each other. I gave them some pillow cases for warmth and I thought it would be comfy for them and she has made a nest instead from them n brought the side ride up.. I might see if I can get a pic.
Last night they were spread evenly, and she was sitting on them and the same as this morning but now they r piled up. Still very warm but she is not on them,. I did clean the cage so maybe she was trying to protect them from me.. I will check again later.

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