Unusual chicken behaviour....anyone seen it before?

Jan and the flock

In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2019
I have a pair of pure serama chickens living in a cage in my entry area. I rescued the Rooster from himself! He's in possession of a very over rated confidence in his leadership ability....he thinks he should be in charge within the flock! So he takes on or challenges any and all comers...as funny as it might be to watch a 14 oz rooster pick a fight with a 7-9 pound opponent.....he lost his bottom beak in his last great encounter. It grew back a bit, leaving him with a pronounced "Under-Bite". Well, he was feeling pretty lowlow, alone in that cage. So I went out and bought him his favorite hen. He was over joyed! He started dancing! As soon as he clapped eyes on her! They are truly a happy couple!
Now for the strange behaviour! He builds her a next each time she gets ready to lay an egg! He will make a bowel shaped "Nest" by shimming his body in the grass hay bedding occasionally reaching out and picking some extra hay pieces to add....all the while cooing to her! She stands near by and watches him. When he figures it should do? He hops out and she jumps in to try it out! If she likes it she stays in it. If she feels it needs more work. She hops out and he goes back to work on it! Had anyone seen this behaviour? With chickens?
Yep, they can do that....not real common to actually 'build' a nest(I don't think), but cockbirds can do many things to assist with nesting/laying.

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