Unusual Hen Behavior


5 Years
Oct 22, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
My Easter Egger Jen has been acting weird for the past couple days...She seems distant and sits in the coop while I let the flock out to free range. She seems slow-moving but has no visible problems with her health. She looks perfectly healthy but just isn’t being herself. I don’t know what else to say but I’m wondering if maybe she’s depressed, stressed, or something worse? Like a disease or illness? If anybody could suggest some diseases or what might be wrong, I’d be very grateful!
Is she sitting on a nest? Could she be broody?
Is her comb and face nice and red? Pale floppy combs are often indicators or poor health.
Try to see if she is eating and drinking and pooping normally. Many problems can be diagnosed through their poop.
Also check for respiratory symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, or swelling around the face.
Is her posture normal or does she seem to be stopping like a penguin at all? This could indicate she is egg bound.
It is not likely to be depression unless there has been some trauma or loss in the flock recently I. E. a predator attack that resulted in a flock member death. She could be stressed if other hens are bullying her or if there has been a significant change to the coop environment recently.

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