update 1yr 3 months


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
I guess this surprise has been in the works for over 8months! My dear, wonderul husband has very sneakily..been in contact vvith a breeder, travelled back and forth over 3 hrs(each vvay) 2 x(to put a deposit dovvn and pic a pup, then pic up the pup and sign contracts).

I pride myself in "Knovving" vvhat my gifts are every year, this is the first time I've actually been surprised.

I'd been saying the last fevv year that my next dog vvas going to be a saint. VVe had talked about researching lines and checking back for things such as dysplasia, gastric torsion, osteosarcoma and vvobblers.

VVell he did all of these things and went over and above his husbandly duties to add this new member to our family!

AND my kids were in on it(my oldest 2) and kept their little yaps zipped for the past 3 vveeks(no easy feat for a 12 year old boy and a extremely bubbly 6 year old girl)

VVe already have 2 dogs, we had thought vve vvould keep it at 2 since, we seem to have an ever revolving 3rd dog(as rescues) at least a few times a year. But the perfect breeder was found, with a litter planned in the year and my hubby said he didn't want to wait!

Anyways drum roll please...Here is Adelaide( Addy)

She is 8 weeks old tomorrow and weight's 18.2lbs. She is settling in very well!



9weeks and 21.6lbs




10 weeks and 24lbs


11 weeks and 28lbs.-

13 weeks and 37.5lbs

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She is gorgeous! Congrats! I have always wanted a St Bernard. I almost got one from a rescue group a couple of years back, but I decided I had too many dogs to feed another, plus I figure it is too hot down here for one. It would just be mean to make them put up with our heat in Mobile with all that fur. Hope you enjoy her for many, many years!
I LOVE St. Bernard's!!!

On another note, is something wrong with your, "w" key?! Sorry--I just saw that kept using two, "vv's" as a w. If it's stuck, pop the key off and with a q-tip lubricate inside the key with olive oil--it works like a charm. My DD spilled juice and some of it got on my computer keys and I had all kinds of keys stuck. I popped the keys off, cleaned inside, and then lubricated them with olive oil!
M@M@2four :

I LOVE St. Bernard's!!!

On another note, is something wrong with your, "w" key?! Sorry--I just saw that kept using two, "vv's" as a w. If it's stuck, pop the key off and with a q-tip lubricate inside the key with olive oil--it works like a charm. My DD spilled juice and some of it got on my computer keys and I had all kinds of keys stuck. I popped the keys off, cleaned inside, and then lubricated them with olive oil!

LOL! Yes there is something VVrong vith my double u key! Yesterday I noticed my 2.5 year old had snapped the key off! I put it back on but novv it doesn't vvork at all! I have another key board but haven't bothered to go dovvn to the storage room to get it! Its a bit of an mental exercise vvhen ever I try to google something vvith a VV in it! I am going to be a living thesaurus if I don't get the other one soon!​
LOL! Yes there is something VVrong vith my double u key! Yesterday I noticed my 2.5 year old had snapped the key off! I put it back on but novv it doesn't vvork at all! I have another key board but haven't bothered to go dovvn to the storage room to get it! Its a bit of an mental exercise vvhen ever I try to google something vvith a VV in it! I am going to be a living thesaurus if I don't get the other one soon!

Sorry...this actually made me laugh! This is the story of my life! I have 4 children and anytime I get something new, somehow, they ALWAYS manage to break it!

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