UPDATE - chicks stuck behind nest box for 2 days! help! - PICS


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
over the mountain
long story short, weve had a rash of raccoon break ins, my husband trapped them, and we thought it was over. well, 2 days ago 2 polish chicks went missing, thought they were gone, but we found them today stuck and smashed behind a nest box! they are still alive but look terrible. i will post pics when i have time. they are peeping and eating, but the wings are very droopy, and they look greasy, some feathers are missing, especially on top of their heads. most concerning is that one has a huge ballon for a crop. the neck and chest and shoulder area look like they are filled with air! its soft and squeezale like a balloon, its just filled with air! what is this! will they die! is there something i can do!? they are 9 weeks old.
Note the huge balloon-like bubbles on their chest, shoulder, and crops. They're much bigger than the picture shows.







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I'm not sure how to treat that, but I've seen it around here before.
The most I can do is bump.
I know someone will pipe up.
Very sorry for your troubles!
Poor birdies.
I'm not sure either. I think I would give them some of the vitamin, electrolyte in their water. The stuff they send you when you order your chicks. It is supposed to help with stress. They will probably be ok after they calm down. You might want to separate them from the others. Maybe a heat lamp might help. I've read where if they are injured or sick this keeps them from using up calories to keep them warm. I hope this helps a little, but I'm no expert at all. Hope everything works out for you. Don't put the lamp too close and get them too hot and put more stress on them. Just enough to keep even temps on them. If it is hot where you are, keep it moved far enough from them.
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Wash them in Dawn dish detergent to get the greasy material off, offer food and water. The "air" under the skin is possibly a ruptured air sac- sometimes they resolve on their own, sometimes they don't. No treatment is needed for the air under the skin. Make sure to keep them warm until they dry.
i agree with the warm bath, dish soap, vitamin water suggestions. Keep them inside with some clean warm towels for a few days. It will take some time for them to destress. offer them treats and cuddles. hopefully everything will work out ok.
i did wash them after i took these pics, they look a little better, we wrapped them in towels and dried them. i couldnt believe how much filth was on them. those poor chickens, smashed like that for 2 days. they are still really puffy with air. never heared of a ruptured air sac, i hope it heals. one was found upside down and smashed flat, we thought it was dead at first, the other was crunched underneath, they have eaten a little and are still standing. ill keep them inside in a box untill they either heal or die. i hope they dont die, we only have 5 of these 'HALLOWEEN" chickens, as my daughter calls them. shes the one with blue fingernails in the pic, .............teenagers.
we actually have them sitting on top of a warm rice sock in the box, its lined with nws paper and they are in a dark and quiet room. there is food and water fot them if they want to eat, im hoping they look better in the morning, and that they have recovered from the stress, and the air sac. anyone ever have anything like this turn out well?

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