Update on Booger , my pup , and my bad luck !! 7-22-09

bump... how is everybody?
Sorry I haven't updated....our computer had a bad virus that ended up crashing the hard drive . We finally got it back today and hopefully they'll be able to save all of the pics !

My dog is doing well . We ended up taking him to the vet the next morning . No broken bones , not internal bleeding ! Just amazes me how he could be run over by both tires of a 3/4 truck and not be hurt !

Booger's doing okay.....still alot of swelling , but I think it's slowly going down . He has started to put a tiny bit of weight on it again . The anti-biotic he's on now is $72.00 for a 15 day supply . The vet says he needs to be on it for a month and a half . Good news being we finally got the settlement from work comp for my husbands injury , so that helps ! I'll try to post pics as soon as I can figure out how to get them on our computer again !
I hope your horse pulls through for you. You have every reason to be hopeful and are doing a wonderful job with caring for him.

That's fantastic news about your dog! It's amazing that he wasn't injured.
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YeeHaw Booger and Puppy Dog and Unionwirewoman! I'm so glad things are looking up for you!
You are doing a wonderful job!
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Hey isn't Booger the horse that the first vet said to put him down and didn't really help treat him? Could the infection in the joint have been prevented if the first vet would have done more? Since the second vet is at the same office I would ask him that as well as for a break on the cost of the medication because it seems to me (and I don't know much about horses) that the inaction of the first vet could have led to the infection becoming worse than it would have been had the vet really helped you. Or am I totally off base on this.
Great news! It's amazing how some dogs can survive being run over. My FIL accidentally ran over his Aussie's head in an F250, and he was fine.. well he had no less sense than beforehand, anyway!
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I think the vet recommended further treatment at the beginning but it wasn't in the financial cards at the time. Ideally the horse should have been taken to a surgical center from the beginning, but not everyone can do that. I hope he can beat that infection...joint infections are nasty! Praying for him and the dog...
Well I'm no stranger to not being ready for a vet bill. We got instant credit to take care of our kitty. The bill wasn't much and we can pay it off quickly. He just got sick at a bad time for us. I so hope Booger heals up especially after all the work she's done to try and get him healthy.
I think the vet recommended further treatment at the beginning but it wasn't in the financial cards at the time. Ideally the horse should have been taken to a surgical center from the beginning, but not everyone can do that. I hope he can beat that infection...joint infections are nasty! Praying for him and the dog...

Actually the vet did not recommend any further treatment . I could find a way if need be to finance money to a certain extent . At some point in time though a person has to realize that paying over $10,000 on a horse that "might " recover just isn't feasible....maybe to those who are more fortunate than most....but not the norm .

Changed Boogers bandage today....I've worked in the city sewer building in the past doing maintenance on the furnaces in the sespool area.....I lost my dinner tonight when I took the bandage off . I can only assume that this is the infection draining out . I'm calling the vet tomorrow to ask . The vet told me to keep the bandage on for 5 days at a time . His reasoning is to keep anymore bacteria from entering the joint . His bandages are all anti-microbial , and are soaked with saline . Top part seems to be growing together , just waiting for the infection to go away so the muscle and flesh will start adhereing to the bone . He's putting more weight on it though !

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