Update on mamma-raised keets


14 Years
Mar 8, 2008
Southwest Missouri
I posted about a month ago on how happy I was with our mamma who hatched eggs in the coop and was raising her own keets with the flock. I just wanted to give the update.

All right, so taking it from the top:
25 eggs
21 hatched

5 total to date.
2 were in the first couple days
-one was weak
-the other got trampled (I think) on the third morning, when the gate to the giant overnight tractor-dropped cage was open but facing in a direction the guineas aren't used to. I think either my neurotic chicken Cruella or one of the guineas probably trampled it after wandering into the cage with the mamma and babies group and then being confused about the gate.

3 to unknown, but I'm figuring hawk. And possibly one more today to a hawk as I think I just counted 15 earlier instead of 16. But they are fast little buggers, maybe I counted wrong. Hawks are kind of a given here...you can't shoot them and they live down at the bottom of our field.

The flock continues to do well with guiding them, getting them under cover, etc. Everyone continues to coop at night without any more trouble than usual (they have their little ways, which must be catered to!). We had to get them all out of a tree one night, but we got mamma out, the keets followed, and there has been no more of that.

The keets have started to separate now, choosing which adult guineas they'd like to follow, though sometimes they are still all in one big group. Mamma can no longer be identified in this last week since the whole group hangs out with the keets at one point or another throughout the day. Great fun to watch them find a giant bug for the little ones or teach them how to grab bugs out of the air.

This is the dangerous part from my point of view. The keets are still snack-sized and they are not small enough to freeze and hide in the grass when the adults call danger. They are good at flying into a tree, hightailing it for long grass or brush, etc but can't hunker down in our shorter grass any more. No rain = short grass!

So that's what going on here. A good outcome so far. At this point I absolve mamma of all responsibility, I think she did just great. I hope the flock as a whole will continue to teach them how to not get killed.

In other guinea news, one of my other females got run over a few days ago. Sigh. Not a good role model for keets. Plus her mate was very upset. This is not a busy road, but some folks travel fast.
Wow, Congrats! Despite the few losses you've had, I completely envy the fact that you will not be having to deal with integrating keets later on! And ecerybody cooping up at night ... that's absolute Guinea Keeper's Bliss right there! Good job

Post some pics of the keets out and about with the other adults, we'd love to see them
That is awesome!!
As far as the missing keets, are you sure it's not feral cats? I was accusing my guinea moms of being negligent parents, til I saw one being carried off by a cat!!
My husband asked what happened to all the baby chicks and guineas, since I had 10 nesting pairs, I should have been overrun!

I just discovered a nest in my backyard, so I'm hoping it'll do good. It should, since we have 3 dogs out there. They won't chase the cats away, because they've been taught to love kitties. They don't differentiate between our cat, and others. Kinda wish they did.
But, they'll deter them or anything else from coming in the yard. The guineas lay in the shade with the big dog, so he won't scare them, either. In fact, it's right near his "cool spot". I think they chose it on purpose!

Anyway, I don't mean to hijack!
I just love my guineas and so glad to hear you're having good luck with yours!

Thanks PeepsCA, I hope they will continue to do this well!

Hi Shelley! Do you remember those 4 keets I brought you a couple years ago after my emergency hatch in a cooler, I forget what town we met in? Are any of them still alive?

You could be right about feral cats. When I'm here to run out, I can kind of tell if it's a hawk by where they bail to.

Feral cats, the adults surround and scold. Last one I saw looked like a cat pancake, it was so flat to the ground while they yelled at it. And then of course I missed the darned thing, I am a poor shot when it's not at a target.

But that was before the keets were here, one could be snatching keets for sure. And I am not here all the time. I will keep my eyes peeled.
OMG! I didn't even see who the OP was! Haha! Only 2 made it to adulthood, and the Neighbor's dog took one of them. I do still have the last female. I think it's her nest in the backyard. I haven't seen who is actually in it, yet I had picked up a couple of free guineas off CL when she was still little, and she and the Lavender male bonded. They are so tame they'll stand on your feet! Lol!

My problem is since I have a cat, the guineas and dogs don't see them as a threat. Maybe if I didn't have a cat they'd go after it?

I don't remember what town we met in. Wasn't it near the world's largest McDonalds??

Too bad about the other three but I'm glad you've still got one. After all, what more can a guinea mamma want for her feathered child...she's alive, she's "married", she's happy, and she may be reproducing!

I totally can't remember where we met but I definitely saw the big McDonald's. Take care!

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