Update on saxony hatch due Friday!

Potty mouth...... Congratuations
Alrighty so 5 of the eggs hatched, I went to check on the other and it had died
It hadn't even internally pipped yet, the membrane wasn't dry or any thicker than the others so I suppose it was just mother nature. Speaking of! Remember that one I had to help get unstuck? Well he isn't doing great either...he has zero control over his neck, he tries to stand but just isn't able. I keep giving him drops of vitamin water and tonight I may give him some yoke for an extra boost, any other suggestions?
Make sure he is getting niacin. 100mg per 1 gallon of water. Get some polyvisol without iron infant drops and give it directly into his mouth. 1 or 2 drops per day. They usually come around quite fast once they get all those goodies. I hope he pulls through, it may be just exhaustion from being stuck for so long. Good to hear that all the others are well. To bad the the last one didn't make it, but he was upside down in the egg so he had the odds stacked against him.

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