Update:: Possibly sick chick?


Aug 21, 2023
South NJ
Ok got all my chicks. 8 total all seem to be doing very well except one …. I’m not sure it’s sick but it just seems different than the rest … they all seem to move around and come out as soon as you go in and lift lid on the pen area except the one. The breed is silver laced Wyandotte
There are two of each kind the other one just like this one follows the other chicks first day seemed a lil skittish so gave it time to get use to brooder etc
Second day out and following other chicks but would run under heat plate if you put in hand or whatever … but I did get it to eat out of hand later that day…
Today seems not coming out from under heat plate till 3-5 minutes after all the others are out and would not eat from me … may have ate but I didn’t see it I’m worried cause it doesn’t seem to move around as much and it’s the tinest chick in the bunch … I noticed a couple bigger ones kinda pecking at it… not bad but they did two of them. It did peck back at the one though
Should I be concerned? Is there something I should do for it? Or a way to know if it’s sick or not doing well?
The tiniest chick in the bunch is often a failure-to-thrive chick. (FTT) These chicks often have underdeveloped organs and digestive systems. They don't process nutrients and are often cold, staying under the heat most of the time.

Give it sugar water, very finely minced boiled egg or tofu, and try to feed it as often as you can. It may also help to offer this chick especially and all the chicks some chick grit to make digesting their food easier.

Get some poultry Nutri-drench. It's formulated for chicks such as this.
Ok got all my chicks. 8 total all seem to be doing very well except one …. I’m not sure it’s sick but it just seems different than the rest … they all seem to move around and come out as soon as you go in and lift lid on the pen area except the one. The breed is silver laced Wyandotte
There are two of each kind the other one just like this one follows the other chicks first day seemed a lil skittish so gave it time to get use to brooder etc
Second day out and following other chicks but would run under heat plate if you put in hand or whatever … but I did get it to eat out of hand later that day…
Today seems not coming out from under heat plate till 3-5 minutes after all the others are out and would not eat from me … may have ate but I didn’t see it I’m worried cause it doesn’t seem to move around as much and it’s the tinest chick in the bunch … I noticed a couple bigger ones kinda pecking at it… not bad but they did two of them. It did peck back at the one though
Should I be concerned? Is there something I should do for it? Or a way to know if it’s sick or not doing well?
Chick(s), brooder, poop.


I agree, work on hydration.
I agree with the other comments, and don't be shy about feeding it directly with a syringe, but do allow it time to swallow after small increments of fluids, and liquified cooked egg yolk.


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The chick that is almost solid black in picture. With all in there and the bedding pellets I really don’t have picture of poop brooder is a huge 2x 2 x5 foot black tote with hanging low chick waterer and ground feeder other end the heat plate
lid on to keep warmer but at angle for light temp is about 88-90 but warmer under plate … there are two silkies that are 10 days old in with the other chicks that were born on 22nd from hatchery … the other six are two silver laced Wyandottes ( this is the one I think is possibly sick ) one of the two ). Then 2 red sex links and two buff orpingtons
Syringing a small chick is very dangerous. Do not try it unless you know exactly how to avoid aspirating it and killing it. Best to dribble the sugar water on the side of its beak and let it draw the water into its mouth. As for the egg, it's safer to mince it finely and let the chick peck the tiny bits. Forcing liquid egg into the beak is a recipe for disaster.

Scroll back and read post #3.

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