UPDATE question regarding 7 week old chicks going out to the coop...


11 Years
Jun 10, 2008
My slice of Heaven on Earth...
I have 8 chicks, they are 7 weeks and I want to but them outside inte coop. I live in Houston, TX, and right now our temp is in the upper 50's to mid 60's at night. Is that to cold , can they move out if they have a lamp on them? The dust in this house is just about killing me. I also have 4 four week olds but I realize they have to stay in for 3-4 weeks longer. I do have older hens in the coop and I also realize we might, probably will have issues with pecking and all that, how do I minimize that? Should I maybe wait a little longer intill I put them out? Any input would be awesome at this point...

Thanks, Kycklingmamma
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I put mine out at 5 weeks in ft. worth. I did leave a heat light on when temps got down below 50 at night but now at 9 weeks i don't worry about them. Good Luck
I actually put my 4 week old pullets out about a week ago and they are doing fine. I had the same situation with dust and poop in the basement so they had to go!

They do have their own small chicken house within the same run that they share with the other older hens. I have not let them run free or intermingle with the older hens or anything like that. I do open their house door and attach their cage to the entrance of their coop and let them sit in the sun on warm days. That way they can see the hens and the hens check them out too. Their heat lamp is still on in the coop for the chilly nights.

So far, no problems and my house is clean again!
I guess this is kind of the same question but what is the right age to put the chicks outside I have six at 3 weeks old when can they go out? it is only getting down to the high forty's here. Thanks
I always put out at about 6 weeks of age, with a light on. Just put some out last week and they are doing great. Makes life easier.....then all the smell and dust in the house. I get frustrated with that really quick.
I just put some 3 week olds out to the coop (brooder coop, lots of dif age chicks in there). I have a lamp on at night, during the day it is usually warm enough without one.

If you have older hens to integrate them with, I would do like the others suggested and put a small divider in there, to keep the babies safer from being attacked.

You could maybe try to integrate them during the day when you can keep an eye on them, you may not have as much problem as ya think, but definately at night I would keep them safe from the big girls.

With my chicks in the brooder coop, the big ones aren't the problem for aggression, usually it is the next age/size up that picks on the newcomers - because they are the bottom of the totem pole, I guess. They have lots of room, however, and places to hide, so they escape most of the picking. I did have to put blukote on the white ones on their tails - they were the only ones being picked at too badly.


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