UPDATE: *with pics* The Bathing Experiment - Dirt or Sand?

I finally got to making the "bath" for the flock and they seem to like it. It's sphagnum peat moss, sand and DE mixed. Mostly peat moss, a 60lbs bag of sand and small bag of DE. I put it into a galvanized tub with holes for drainage.

That peat moss bath tub looks great! I have some peat moss and sand sitting around so I'll give that a try as well. Just need to get some diatomaceous earth!
Hmmm. That may be true in the winter, but currently, in this Texas record heat and drought, my girls stay away from the sun. We found that when the sun hit that bathing area, not only did they leave for a shady spot, but the sun evaporated all the nice moisture from the peat moss bath.

So, we put some shade cloth on top of the run to block direct sunlight to the bath, and every morning we are tossing some ice cubes on top of the dirt. The girls run over and sit on the ice like they are eggs. Keeps them cool and the dirt moist. Win-win.
My girls love dirt....anywhere and everywhere......it's been raining alot the last few days and the backyard looks like the moon, with all the craters! They are having a blast. I like that peat moss idea, too. I'm going to give it a try.
That's an interesting experiment.

Mine have different preferences at different times. Sometimes they like the fine play sand and sometimes it's an area with peat. They've used, along with various combinations, dirt, peat, fine sand, coarse sand and DE at one time or another. They're quite fickle.

Often they like whatever is new, but eventually end up going back to their favorites. In the short term, though, they can get really obsessed with a new dust bathing area. Unfortunately, the new area is usually new because of a gardening project. They're so helpful!

We have heavy clay here and get a lot of rain. I always make sure they have one dust bath that's under cover, so it's dry and usable.
Hmmm. That may be true in the winter, but currently, in this Texas record heat and drought, my girls stay away from the sun. We found that when the sun hit that bathing area, not only did they leave for a shady spot, but the sun evaporated all the nice moisture from the peat moss bath.

So, we put some shade cloth on top of the run to block direct sunlight to the bath, and every morning we are tossing some ice cubes on top of the dirt. The girls run over and sit on the ice like they are eggs. Keeps them cool and the dirt moist. Win-win.

That's a great point Daze and an excellent solution.

I guess we have had such a mild summer in this part of California that the girls are happy to bathe in the sun this year. I've only had to get the ice bottles out a couple of times all summer. The good news is it has really extended the tomato season, as it only gets hot enough every once in a while to turn them from green to red.
A word about the peat moss, the picture Miracle Grow brand the op has, says "enriched". I'm assuming they have fertilizer added, as they do to most of their products (even perlite). I wonder if that could cause a problem if the chickens eat any of the peat moss.

All the other brands seem to be plain peat moss. I hybridize house plants(streptocarpus), pasteurize peat moss and make up my own soil mixes so I check the labels before buying.
I think people recommend San so much because THEY like it better for drainage. I cringe everytime I see it suggested because while it may be good for winter, chickens much prefer dirt to sand. My girls won't even go near the side of the run we put sand in. What a waste of money.

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