Updated! - Test Your Diagnostic Skills - Warning, Contains Graphic Necropsy Photos

This duckling is from a nest of ice cold eggs that I found and tried to incubate. Anyone want to guess what's wrong with it? It was never right from the start and was very wobbly, but did show interest in food and water before it started this thing with the head and neck.

Wry neck is what I thought is it was, so I went out and bought every vitamin and supplement that people recommended, but it died shortly after I got back with the supplies.

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I don't know but it looks miserable, is it alive? oh and the chick before that was wrong in the shell, did it die? I am totally clueless about that kind of stuff.
The one with the neck died, but the one that was wrong in the shell is doing well!

If those are on his liver, they must be tumors. My first necropsy it looked like those things were all over some organs. Dummy me, I couldn't understand how those "ovum" got out of the ovary into the body. That's what I thought they looked like.
I was truly surprised by what I saw, it was very different than a hen with oviduct cancer. I sure do miss him...

The ones I've helped I had to stop because of bleeding. None died so far. One was actually born breach, passed stool in the egg, and had super fast breathing. I helped him and just let him be and he was fine hours later. He reminded me of a NICU baby.
I'm torn because I've had a few die in their shells because they were in the wrong position, shrink wrapped or both. I've had better luck helping chicks out, but peachicks and Mucovies are harder... not sure why. Thickness of shell maybe?


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