UPDATED with photos. Mereks or something else? bobbing head, difficulty standing and walking. Seems.....drunk?

I'm sorry, it's always really hard when we cannot figure out what the heck is happening and how to fix it. Marek's especially because there is no way of knowing until a necropsy confirms it. I cannot help diagnose but I will strongly suggest a necropsy if you have even the slightest suspicion. My flock has it and if I didn't know the stress would be even worse to see my girls getting sick with no understanding of why or what to do. Having a confirmed diagnosis has helped me with future decisions, treatments and overall flock maintenance.
When we brought our girl in for a necropsy the Dr said to dip them in cold water right after death. Even the fridge, which is still a good option, takes a bit for the whole body to cool off. The second bird we knew was sick we brought to them and they euthanized and opened right away. Not sure if those are options for you.
Thanks. It's a multiple hour drive to the closest lab and I just don't have time. Vet doesn't open til tomorrow morning.
I'm very sorry. :hugs
This link has good info on how to package a bird to send for necropsy, with pictures.
Important that you refrigerate the body, don't freeze it. If you are within driving distance you can sometimes deliver it that way, a bit simpler. Contact your lab tomorrow to get particulars. It's often less expensive than going through your vet.
For the bird with eye concerns, if you can post some up close, in focus, pictures of the eye, it might help. I have ocular Mareks' in my flock, I can tell you if it looks like what I've seen.
3225 and 3226 are the good eye. 3224 and 3228 are the "bad" eye. Sorry, my camera is not so good. That's the best I could do. It's hard to see, but there is actually black on the iris, not the pupil, however, the pupil itself excluding the black part of the iris is smaller than on the other side.

I looked up the necropsy at CSU and it lists veterinarian on the form, so I didn't know if you had to list a vet or not.


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The pictures aren't clear enough for me to really say. I've attached a few of mine for comparison. It can start slowly and progress slowly. The bird in the first two pictures has had eye symptoms for almost 2 years. I recently culled a one year old roo that was nearly blind. So time line can vary a lot. In addition to the changes in the pupil there are also subtle changes in the iris. The majority of mine have looked like the first two pictures. The second two pictures the iris is graying and the gray line around the pupil is thicker.
Roo in the first two pics is 6 years old. The hen in the second 2 pictures is 10 years old.



Thanks everyone. We brought her into the vet on Monday. They thought it was probably just old age, but if it was something else, the rest of the flock would have it already and there's not really anything we can do. They recommended against the necropsy and against putting her down and suggested we just let her pass peacefully with her flock. I gave her a warm bath and a blow dry and a clean nest. Her flock mates took turns sitting vigil all day with her. She died in her sleep and her flock mates cried when they woke up and realized she was gone.
Thanks everyone. We brought her into the vet on Monday. They thought it was probably just old age, but if it was something else, the rest of the flock would have it already and there's not really anything we can do. They recommended against the necropsy and against putting her down and suggested we just let her pass peacefully with her flock. I gave her a warm bath and a blow dry and a clean nest. Her flock mates took turns sitting vigil all day with her. She died in her sleep and her flock mates cried when they woke up and realized she was gone.
I'm sorry you lost her. It's so hard when one of our flock leaves us.

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