Updates & Questions (Gollum & Smeagol rescue ducks)


Jun 8, 2015
Upper Peninsula, MI
Updates: Well, I'm sad to say that my little Smeagol did not make it :hitI tried to do all I could for her, but I think she just hatched "wrong." She ended up passing last Wednesday overnight, after having been "fine" for her situation. I don't know what happened but I suspect her little heart could not keep up with her heavy breathing fits. When I weighed them both a few days before, Smeagol was half of Gollum's size! She was 3 lbs while Gollum is 6 lbs. I feel so bad, but at the same time, I also wondered what kind of life she would have and didn't want her to suffer. I tried everything and nothing seemed to work. I was worried that she maybe had respiratory infection but I figured Gollum would have had it also since they lived together. That, and antibiotics didn't do a thing for her. Gollum displays none of the symptoms that Smeagol had.

However! I do have a few concerns about Gollum. One is that I tried to make her a ducky chair since she can't walk properly (she walks on her hocks since her legs are deformed) but she hates the chair and still wants to hobble around. I have her hocks wrapped up, but my concern is also for her wings because she tries to use them to balance, and I'd like to relieve her hocks from having weight put on them from time to time. Does anyone happen to have any better ideas? I keep a cushion in her pen for her but, just like any other duck would, she doesn't want to stay in the same spot for too long. I was also worried about her poop because she NEVER seemed to have a solid poo, it was always runny, but not discolored. BUT, I started putting her outside for entire days now, and within viewing range of the other ducks but not in with them, and she is now having solid poops! I think she was nervous inside. She would also pant a lot inside, and doesn't seem to do it hardly ever while outside. I'm glad the weather is finally warming up so that she can be outside most of the time. I want to make her a small house of her own that is up against our house so I can get to her easily to check on her. I have to figure out her leg situation first. She does love to swim, and seems to be enjoying digging in the mud and leaves.

My last concern for her and the other ducks....Gollum still has runny eyes. They aren't red, or swollen, or foamy, but runny. When she bends her neck to clean her feathers, it's almost like the pressure on her sinuses pushes out water from her eyes. They look like tears. I have been diligent about rinsing her eyes but nothing seems to help. Lastly, yesterday I have seen from Gollum AND from my flock outside some GREEN in their poop. This is my biggest concern right now. I should say, the poop itself isn't green, but the urates are a minty green color. I have only found a couple other posts about this and it seems like nobody has ever figured it out. Anybody know anything about this? I am thinking of just putting everybody on a broad spectrum antibiotic. My thought was Clavamox but I'd love to hear your thoughts/suggestions. Thank you for reading this novel of a post :love Here are a couple photos of my Smeagol and Gollum about a month ago after their bath

You can see Smeagol thoroughly enjoying having her bill rubbed by my better half. He always said Smeagol was his buddy. We have burried her beneath a big maple tree surrounded by daffodils. She was a good girl <3

Gollum is much bigger now even and near fully feathered. She's (OR HE! Still haven't heard a quack) a very nice looking duck. I hope she isn't too lonely without her sister, but she does seem to enjoy the "company" of the other ducks, even if it is from afar. Thanks again for reading, and stay tuned for updates on Gollum and the rest of the crew. :pop
So very sorry to hear about Sméagol I know you tried everything imaginable to help them both. She was truly loved. :hugs

As for Gollum legs when wrapped how does she do? is she on soft dirt, concrete? if soft bedding or dirt she may have some rubbing to her wings but you can probably keep that under control being on something hard would probably cause serious sores so I wouldn't have her on anything hard at all. She wants to be a normal duck let her with in limits of course. I am glad she like to swim that is such good exercise for them. and that she gets to be outside and see the other ducks, do they come and visit?

As for the green in their poop what all do they eat, I know with mine depending on what all they have eaten determines the consistency and color of their poop.

I am going to tag @casportpony and see if she'll advise on poop since she is our poop expert.
Thank you @Miss Lydia
She is on soft surfaces, but you can tell she struggles to get around still. I think I will try to alternate letting her hobble, and then give her some time in the chair so she can relieve her legs for a while. Maybe I can make some kind of hock guards for her legs that will be kind of like shoes...*ideas, ideas* I always keep a towel or cushion out for her to get to though, so she can rest her chest on it and take pressure off of her legs. She has found a pile of leaves at the moment and seems to be quite comfy on them.

Yesterday I thought Gollum's green poop might be due to her eating A LOT of new stuff (fresh greens, etc.) but it's not the poo, it's just the urates that are green, AND my flock didn't get into anything that Gollum got, except for grapes, tomatoes, and a few strawberries as a treat. The grass isn't up in their run yet, so they didn't have any greens yesterday.

I'll try to get a photo if I can find the green poo. The only thing I found that could be the case I suppose, is that one or two of the ducks (and Gollum) didn't eat enough yesterday and had some bile in their urates. Gollum didn't seem interested in her regular feed yesterday because of all of the new stuff to nibble on. She did eat some, but not as much as she normally does. All of the ducks are acting normal otherwise!
@Miss Lydia yes! Like gardening knee pads :) Here are some poop pictures. The first two are both Gollum's. You can see how the normally white urates are kind of a minty green. The last one is not Gollum's and looks a bit different from what I found yesterday. What a found yesterday in the coop looked just like Gollums first poop picture. A well formed poo with minty green urates. I did not find any today at all in the coop or the run. All other poos I found in the run and coop look totally normal except for that last photo.
@casportpony any thoughts? I haven't seen another poo like this at all today, and have been watching like a hawk. I did notice my little khaki breathing with her mouth open at one point, but after having a swim she was totally fine. She has been doing it on and off all day though. To be fair, it is considerably hotter here than usual...but it concerns me that it's only her doing it. I saw her poo today though, and it looked normal.

So last night I noticed foamy discharge in Gollum's eyes. Whatever discharge was coming out of her eyes before has finally developed into something- probably respiratory. I have now noticed DARK GREEN poop in the run outside as well. I am guessing it's from my khaki but I'm not sure. I stopped at the feed store today and they only had Tylan 50 available so that's what I bought. It is injection form. Anyone have any experience using this on your ducks? Should I treat all ducks or just the ones with signs and symptoms? I am afraid all of the others will get sick too, and how can I prevent reinfection without setting their run on fire!?

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