Upper Respitory Problem/Heat?

Pretty Pony

13 Years
Dec 2, 2008
Ft. Smith, AR
I have a lovely rooster that started wheezing for the lack of a better word. It has been really hot, 105+, so when I lock the flock in at night, he is much worse. All the chickens are panting, but he just has a wheezing sound too.
Should I begin treating him, if so with what?

Could be fungal or he could just be having a rough time in the heat. That sound is distress. My Delaware rooster had a serious fungal infection last summer and cannot take heat/humidity. He turns purple, gurgle/wheezes and can't catch his breath. I hold mine until he starts breathing again or, if the hose is nearby, we cool him down ASAP.

Oxine is the best thing for fungal issues in the lungs (use without the activator). Antibiotics is the worst thing to do if it is fungal. A few tablespoons of Oxine AH in a cool mist vaporizer, misting for 10-20 minutes at a time, helps kick out fungal stuff.


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